ESMO WORLD CONGRESS ON GASTROINTESTINAL CANCER ESMO Conference: 11th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer 24-27 June 2009 BARCELONA
DOI: 10.3252/
A virtual poster gallery where all posters approved by the scientific committee are displayed.
To display your poster, click on
Upload Poster and follow the instructions.
In the OralPresentation Gallery all oral presentations approved by the scientific committee are displayed.
To submit your oral presentation, click on the Upload OralPresentation
button and follow the instructions.
If the Upload OralPresentation option appears faint, it is not available for this congress.
Submit your poster online in PowerPoint or PDF format. We will check for quality, upload it to the Virtual Poster Gallery and, if you choose the Print & Display option, print and deliver it to the congress venue. Your guarantee of total quality.
For electronic-only poster sessions, your poster will only be displayed on the Virtual Poster Gallery.
Digital Object Identifier. Official code used to identify documents published on internet; similar to ISBN for books. You may use this code to reference your poster in future scientific publications or CVs. It can be found from anywhere in the world.
To find the poster page, log onto and enter the DOI, or enter in your internet browser followed by the DOI string asigned to your congress.
The OralPresentations section is available for
oral presentations approved by the scientific committee.
Please cut and paste the text for each slide in the corresponding box, clearly identifying each paragraph with the slide number it refers to. The presentation should be in a PowerPoint file with a maximum of 15 slides and numbered so that they coincide with the text you attach.
For videos, please follow the instructions, fill in the form and attach the video in the correct format, indicated by the congress organizers.
If this option appears faint, the service is not available for this congress.
24 June 2009
- 24 December 2014
Poster submission deadline: 23:59 GMT+1 on 15 June 2009.
Attention: The poster submission deadline has expired.
Oral Presentations submission deadline is 23:59 GMT+1 on: 24 June 2009. Attention: The poster submission deadline has expired.