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Discussion forum - BSH 2020 VIRTUAL Topic - Nursing
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Poster: 133
Visits: 44
Title: Becoming a nurse Principal Investigator
Authors: Emma Williams , Emma Williams: Haematology Clinical Research Group Manager. Principal Investigator. Haematology, University Hospital of Wales Cardiff, Cardiff, United Kingdom. Zoe Hilton: Breast Cancer Centre Llandough. Nurse Manager: University Hospital of Wales Cardiff, Cardiff, United Kingdom.Sara Elias: Gynaelogical Nurse Specialist, University Hospital of Wales Cardiff
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Most viewed poster for this congress |
Poster: 1
Visits: 569
Title: Whole genome profiling of adult B-other acute lymphoblastic leukaemia on the UKALL14 trial
Authors: Daniel Leongamornlert , E. Barretta, S. Lee, T. Creasey, R. Mitchell, A. A. Kirkwood, L Clifton-Hadley, P. Patrick, P. Campbell, B. Patel, A. Moorman, A. K. Fielding, E. Papaemmanuil
Poster most viewed in this topic |
Poster: 126
Visits: 262
Title: A Narrative Inquiry into Patients Experience of Receiving Blood Transfusions in a Day Unit Setting whilst in a Palliative Stage of a Haematological Malignancy.
Authors: Laraine Lloyd , Laraine Lloyd:Health and Social Studies,University of Portsmouth,Portsmouth,United Kingdom