Discussion forum - 63rd IAVS Symposium
    Topic - Conservation and restoration

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Poster: 76
Visits: 164
Title: How long do bracken (Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn) control treatments maintain effectiveness for conservation?
Authors: Rob Marrs , Rob Marrs, I. Akpinar, J.G. Alday (bc), E. Cox (d), M.G. Le Duc, R.J. Pakeman (e)a School of Environmental Sciences, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3GP, UK, b Joint Research Unit CTFC AGROTECNIO - CERCA, Lleida, Spain,c Department of Crop and Forest Sciences, University of Lleida, Spain,d Northumberland National Park, Eastburn, Hexham, Northumberland NE46 1BS,eThe James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen AB15 8QH Scotland.

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Rob Marrs
Thread initiator
Reg: 9/8/2021 10:13:00 PM

Comment# 1

I invite colleagues to open debate around the issues raised in my presentation, both those relating to research and to practice.

Comment added on 9/14/2021 10:25:00 AM 
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Most viewed poster for this congress
Poster: 122
Visits: 528
Title: Growth response of plantation species (Cedrela odorata and Terminalia superba) to variability in site and climatic conditions
Authors: David Akowuah , Reginald T. GuurohMark Appiah2

Poster most viewed in this topic
Poster: 68
Visits: 294
Title: Changes in species composition and plant functional traits during the landslide succession in high-mountain coniferous forest in central Taiwan
Authors: Chien-Fan Chen , David Zelen


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