Poster: 210
Visits: 12
Title: A single-centre review of late amniocentesis reliability & satisfaction in carriers of haemophilia
Authors: Kayleen Coutts , Bignell P, Curry N
Centre: Oxford University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
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Most viewed poster for this congress |
Poster: 13
Visits: 590
Title: Algorithmic evidence-based phenotype screening and collaborative approach to attacking symptoms of nonadherence in patients with bleeding disorders
Authors: Jay Bryant-Wimp , Jay Bryant-Wimp, RPh
Centre: Integrite Solutions
Poster most viewed in this topic |
Poster: 205
Visits: 74
Title: Gynecologic conditions in post-menarchal adolescents with congenital bleeding disorders (CBD) when compared to adult women a surveillance report of the Female Universal Data Collection project in United States Hemophilia Treatment Center Network
Authors: Jane Geyer , Dr Lakshmi Srivaths
Centre: Baylor College of Medicine