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WFH 2016 World Congress


24-28 July 2016 Orlando
Discussion forum - WFH 2016 World Congress
    Topic - Women and Bleeding Disorders

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 Thread / Poster  Author  Replies  Last reply
A multidisciplinary clinic for women with bleeding disorders: the administration perspective  Sarah Crymble 1      7/7/2016 8:19:00 PM  
Gynecologic conditions in post-menarchal adolescents with congenital bleeding disorders (CBD) when compared to adult women a surveillance report of the Female Universal Data Collection project in United States Hemophilia Treatment Center Network  Jane Geyer 1      7/7/2016 6:42:00 PM  
Carrier perceptions regarding care and resources elicited from the Carriers: Assessment of REsources (CARE) focus group  Michelle Alabek 1      7/7/2016 3:51:00 AM  
Building Each Other, One Country At A Time  Andrea Echavez 1      7/6/2016 10:03:00 AM  
The Lioness and the young Lion A case report  Gina Goldstein 1      7/5/2016 5:30:00 PM  
FXI levels and coagulation parameters in women with heavy menstrual bleeding  Sophie Wiewel-Verschueren 1      7/5/2016 4:23:00 PM  
Talking Red. A campaign for women with bleeding disorders  Christina Burgess 1      7/4/2016 3:51:00 PM  
A single-centre review of late amniocentesis reliability & satisfaction in carriers of haemophilia  Kayleen Coutts 1      6/30/2016 5:53:00 PM  
Reproductive health in females with inherited bleeding disorder  Shabneez Hussain 1      6/30/2016 11:11:00 AM  
Association of factor V Leiden G1691A and prothrombin gene G20210A mutation with adverse pregnancy outcomes  Sidra Ali 1      4/22/2016 8:44:00 AM  

Most viewed poster for this congress
Poster: 13
Visits: 590
Title: Algorithmic evidence-based phenotype screening and collaborative approach to attacking symptoms of nonadherence in patients with bleeding disorders
Authors: Jay Bryant-Wimp , Jay Bryant-Wimp, RPh
Centre: Integrite Solutions

Poster most viewed in this topic
Poster: 205
Visits: 74
Title: Gynecologic conditions in post-menarchal adolescents with congenital bleeding disorders (CBD) when compared to adult women a surveillance report of the Female Universal Data Collection project in United States Hemophilia Treatment Center Network
Authors: Jane Geyer , Dr Lakshmi Srivaths
Centre: Baylor College of Medicine


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