Tel.: +34 91 736 2385
Contact: Katarina Gluic
Hours: Mon-Thu 8:30-17:00 Fri 8:30-15:00
For help with a poster, please specify the poster number, the first author and the congress and we will reply shortly.
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What is a DOI? 

DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is the digital equivalent of ISBN (International Standard Book Numbers) on printed publications and is the standard reference for any digital object of intellectual property. It is associated to metadata about the publication and allows referencing in future works, including abstracts, CVs, journals, etc.

How are posters referenced?

One DOI is registered for all posters for a given congress. Thus, when you search using the DOI, you will be taken to the Virtual Poster Gallery for that congress, where you may search for the poster required.

If the Virtual Poster Gallery has expired, you may order a copy of the poster file required.

How do I search using a DOI?

To search for (or “resolve”) a DOI, just type in the address bar of any web browser the string : followed by the DOI code.

For example, to resolve the DOI 10.3252/, enter into your browser the address: . This will take you directly to the Virtual Poster Gallery containing all posters presented at AEEM 2008.

There are several other ways to resolve a DOI, for example, one can use  followed by the DOI of the document.

Or, you can log onto the Medra webpage ( and enter the DOI string in the search box.

How does the DOI differ from other referencing systems?

A DOI differs from commonly used internet pointers to material such as the URL, because it identifies an object as a first-class entity, not simply the place where the object is located.

A DOI also differs from identifiers such as the International Standard Book Numbers (ISBN), International Standard Recording Codes (ISRC), etc. because it can be associated with defined services and is immediately actionable on a network.

The DOI system is an implementation of the Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI), a US-based non-profit-making organization which aims to promote the development of IT and communication within the field of scientific research.


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