Royal College of Psychiatrists International Congress 2021


21-24 June 2021 Virtual Congress
N. Poster
Poster title
Applicant name
  P-301 Audit of shared-care lithium monitoring in a large rural GP practice Thomas Cranshaw Received Received
  P-303 Pharmacological treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder- an audit of Cardiff Health access practice using a pharmacological prescribing algorithm Amy Baker Received Received
  P-304 Clinical audit of cardio-metabolic monitoring in people with intellectual disability (PWID) taking antipsychotic medication Sandar Kyaw Received Received
  P-307 Exploring the views of young people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) on how to improve medical consultations. Alexander Mayor Received Received
  P-308 A systematic review of the safety and efficacy of ketamine for the management of acute behavioural disturbance in the emergency department Robbie Uriarte Received Received
  P-312 Assessing the delivery of smoking cessation interventions in adult inpatients Katie Blissard Barnes Received Received
  P-316 Novel approach to providing child and adolescent mental health education to allied health services Michael Foster Received Received
  P-319 Virtual reality exposure therapy in panic disorder: a pilot study Clara Faria Received Received
  P-320 Do core psychiatry trainee cognitive behaviour therapy cases meet training needs? An evaluation of core psychiatry trainee delivered CBT cases in Sheffield: implications for training and services Dasal Abayaratne Received Received
  P-321 Overdose admissions to a district general hospital intensive care unit Aoife Nechowska Received Received
  P-322 Improving Hepatitis C awareness, screening and diagnosis in an Australian homless mental health outreach team Sarah Aga Received Received
  P-325 Basic clinical equipment for physical health assessment in mid Essex inpatient units Hesham Abdelkhalek Received Received
  P-326 Audit cycle - VTE risk assessment in inpatient wards in mid Essex Hesham Abdelkhalek Received Received
  P-329 Quality of sleep and burnout among undergraduate medical students at the university of Nairobi, Kenya Linda Nyamute Received Received
  P-333 Using an electronic discharge notification system reduces the time delay between discharge and a summary being sent to the GP Alexander Adams Received Received
  P-334 Transition out of children and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) Hemma Velani Received Received
  P-335 The power of reflective practice: evaluating the impact of a psychoeducation and reflective practice group for surgical nursing staff and health care assistants in a trauma centre Ruth Harrison Received Received
  P-341 An audit of ECG monitoring in patients admitted to the general adult inpatient wards at Clock View Hospital Declan Hyland Received Received
  P-348 Clonidine in the Management of Opiate Withdrawal in the Community. David Kelsey Received Received
  P-355 Hyperprolactinaemia: audit of practice and new guidance Benjamin Janaway Received Received
  P-365 Physical health assessment quality improvement project Maggie Lambert Received Received
  P-367 Using SBAR in psychiatry: findings from two london hospitals Benjamin Janaway Received Received
  P-368 GP Trainees perceptions and experiences of the training placement in Psychiatry - A Qualitative Study Raja Adnan Ahmed Received Received
  P-369 A quality improvement project to improve the number of section 136 GP discharge summaries from the place of safety Jemma Hazan Received Received
  P-370 A quality improvement project to improve handover in the integrated assessment liaison team Jemma Hazan Received Received
  P-371 Assessing DNA rates within first time psychiatric referrals and the extent to which DNA rates are reduced by an SMS reminder service Henry Coates Received Received
  P-373 Off-label prescribing of quetiapine in south locality crisis teams Mamta Kumari Received Received
  P-378 Prescriptions of anti-craving medication following alcohol detoxification in a north east addictions service Joseph Thorne Received Received
  P-381 More than just the mental health act - foundation-specific teaching to inspire psychiatrists Robert Heminway Received Received
  P-385 Case series suggesting an association between sertraline and urinary side effects in a Sheffield child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) population Sidra Chaudhry Received Received
  P-386 The long and short of it Sidra Chaudhry Received Received
  P-387 The improvement of the quality of medical reviews of patients in seclusion in Rampton Hospital Emma McPhail Received Received
  P-389 Vitamin D deficiency in a high secure forensic psychiatry Hospital: A Clinical Audit and Service Evaluation George Gillett Received Received
  P-391 A neuropsychological study of chromatin disorders Benjamin Geers Received Received
  P-392 Autism in girls and the pre-referral environment Peter Nussbaum Received Received
  P-395 Audit of methods used to contact the duty doctor - Abraham Cowley Unit Ivan Shanley Received Received
  P-399 The outcome of an attachment-based infant mental health therapeutic play programme on infant temperament, parent-infant relationship & maternal reflective functioning Joy Malinit Received Received
  P-403 Service model in East Lothian community learning disability team:Evaluation of service with and without specialist positive behaviour support team saima Asif Received Received
  P-413 Improving cardiometabolic screening on an inpatient psychiatric ward: a quality improvement project Harrison Howarth Received Received
  P-416 Remote psychotropic medication advice for general practitioners: a quality improvement project Emily Rackley Received Received
  P-417 A systematic review of the prevalence of mental disorders, cognitive impairment and dementia amongst older adults populace in Egypt Opeyemi Odejimi Received Received
  P-418 A narrative literature review of the typology of psychiatric emergency services in the UK Opeyemi Odejimi Received Received
  P-420 Improving quality of referrals meetings in the psychotherapy department Daniel Meek Received Received
  P-421 An audit into the physical health monitoring of patients who are prescribed antipsychotics in HMP Birmingham Olivia Horton Received Received
  P-422 A quality improvement project on nicotine replacement therapy in Shannon Clinic (Northern Ireland) EILEEN MOSS Received Received
  P-427 A quality improvement project to improve attendance to the physical health clinic at Southwark team for early psychosis Christina Huggins Received Received
  P-434 Social cognition and major depressive disorder: impact on psychosocial function and therapeutic opportunities Michael Weightman Received Received
  P-440 A randomised controlled trial to investigate the effectiveness of sustained photoprotective behaviour in xeroderma pigmentosum after intervention Tamara Searle Received Received
  P-446 Medical comorbidities of patients presenting to an adult neurodevelopmental new case clinic in Singapore Ho Teck Tan Received Received
  P-450 Metabolic profiles differences of overweight patients on olanzapine, clozapine and risperidone Siew Fai Liew Received Received
  P-451 Tackling Antipsychotic induced constipation Sandhya Eappen Received Received
  P-452 What is the prevalence of self-harming and suicidal behaviour in under 18s with autism spectrum disorder, with or without an intellectual disability? Rosalind Oliphant Received Received
  P-455 Metabolic side effects of clozapine in patients at south Ceredigion community mental health team HARISH REDDY Received Received
  P-458 Audit on prolactin monitoring for patients on oral risperidone, intramuscular risperidone, or intramuscular paliperidone Mohamed Bader Received Received
  P-459 Audit of Smoking Cessation Advice on Adult Inpatient Mental Health Wards Flensham Mohamed Received Received
  P-460 Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and schizophrenia Rhys Masin Received Received
  P-461 On-call handover - If it isnt documented then it didnt happen Hannah Campling Received Received
  P-462 Resilience-culture of supportInternational Medical Graduates Induction Nazish Hashmi Received Received
  P-464 Management of medically unexplained symptoms (MUS): a stepwise integrated model between primary and secondary care Zaineb Al-Dahash Received Received
  P-468 Comparing intentions to reduce substance use and willingness to seek help among transgender and cisgender participants from the global drug survey Dean Connolly Received Received
  P-469 An audit of high-dose and combination antipsychotic prescribing across the general adult inpatient wards in Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust Declan Hyland Received Received
  P-471 Foundation doctor preparedness for treating mental health conditions: results from a national survey George Gillett Received Received
  P-473 High Dose Antipsychotic Therapy (HDAT) in the Greater Manchester mental health adult psychiatric inpatient setting Oli Sparasci Received Received
  P-476 Service evaluation of the mental health assessment service (MHAS) in Dudley, West Midlands Mark Winchester Received Received
  P-479 Neuroimaging in an older adult inpatient psychiatric unit Aoife Nechowska Received Received
  P-480 Establishing prevalence of diagnosis of personality disorder across high secure forensic services using the ICD 10 and ICD 11 classification anju soni Received Received
  P-483 Audit on venous thromboembolism risk assessment in mental health inpatient wards Rahul Malhotra Received Received
  P-489 GMC training survey and missing trainees in psychiatry Ho Tim Timothy Leung Received Received
  P-490 A model for improving postgraduate medical education using the GMC survey Ho Tim Timothy Leung Received Received
  P-492 Enhanced faculty development: using the GMC survey to run a trainer development workshop Ho Tim Timothy Leung Received Received
  P-503 The monitoring of high dose antipsychotics in an inpatient rehabilitation unit Laura Pearson Received Received
  P-505 Elderly offenders at Wathwood Hospital: perspectives and practicalities Sidra Chaudhry Received Received
  P-510 Experiences of children who have been separated from a parent due to military deployment:a systematic review of reviews Jennifer Kent Received Received
  P-511 SW Neuronet - neuroscience for psychiatrists update day S. George Morris Received Received
  P-520 Audit of high dose antipsychotics (HDA) prescribing on high dependency unit (HDU) and acute ward, Nepean Mental Health Centre, Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District, Sydney, Australia Adil Jawad Received Received
  P-523 Implementation of smoking cessation policy at the antelope house in Southern Health NHS Foudation Trust in Southampton SUNDAY NERU Received Received
  P-537 Audit of delays in the diversion of mentally disordered defendants under the Mental Health Act 1983/2007 at a liaison and diversion service in North West London Seema Sukhwal Received Received
  P-538 Consultation liaison to support efficient delivery of mental health care Emma Davies Received Received
  P-539 Improving accessebility to psychiatry in NHS Tayside Thomas Leung Received Received
  P-543 Automated online alert notification system to aid mental health act compliance Mohanbabu Rathnaiah Received Received
  P-545 Assessment and management of patients detained under Section 136 in Northwick Park Hospital emergency department Laurence Telesia Received Received
  P-547 To resuscitate or not to resuscitate; a question for old age psychiatrists Liam Embliss Received Received
  P-549 Audit: children & young peopless services depression pathway Tees, Esk & Wear Valley Trust wide compliance Mary Parker Received Received
  P-551 Review: The Effectiveness of Psychological Interventions for Children and Adolescents with Non-Epileptic Seizures Hemma Velani Received Received
  P-553 Identifying Risk Factors for Re-admission: A Service Evaluation from an Adult Inpatient Mental Health Unit Kirsty Ward Received Received
  P-556 Reducing aggression and improving offending outcomes in youth with conduct disorder; results of a systematic review Craig McEwan Received Received
  P-557 A quality improvement project: documentation of liaison psychiatry patient reviews in the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford Alice Talks Received Received
  P-558 Increasing staff confidence about domestic abuse identification, disclosure and safeguarding in a community mental health team Beth McCausland Received Received
  P-561 Audit on High Dose Antipsychotic Treatment (HDAT) Monitoring at Rampton Hospital Astha Das Received Received
  P-562 A service evaluation of the healthy lifestyle groups in a female medium secure unit- what do our patients know about nutrition? Ruth Scally Received Received
  P-565 Quality improvement project: improving the confidence of junior doctors to manage emergencies; Drs abc in an acute psychiatric setting Ahrane Jayakumar Received Received
  P-566 Transition from child and adolescent mental health services to adult mental health services Tania Saour Received Received
  P-568 Using electronic clinical records to investigate service use and in-patient care of adults with intellectual disability and/or autism spectrum disorder Jennifer Mutch Received Received
  P-569 Quality Improvement Project: Delirium Awareness and Training In Coventry Memory Services Nurul Yahya Received Received
  P-572 THE PERSON BEHIND THE LABEL: The Use of Co-Production In a Teaching Session About Borderline Personality Disorder Nyakomi Adwok Received Received
  P-576 Prevalence of mental disorders in prisons in the UK: a systematic review and meta-analysis Nivedita Rebbapragada Received Received
  P-578 Stealth-vaping: a new era of illicit substance misuse? a systematic review and meta-analysis of the prevalence of electronic nicotine delivery systems for the consumption of illicit substances Tim Hicks Received Received
  P-581 Reduction of benzodiazepine usage in an inpatient setting Nikki Shakya Received Received
  P-582 National Survey into Trainee Experience of Core Psychotherapy Training Lauren Evans Received Received
  P-583 Quality of seclusion medical review according to trust guidelines Shumaila Shahbaz Received Received
  P-584 Using qualitative methods, what factors do child & adolescent higher trainees and new consultants (within 1 year of appointment), report in choosing their higher training subspecialty? Mary Parker Received Received
  P-586 Increasing participation in the 2019 UK general election amongst patients on a high intensity rehabilitation ward Aaron Wood Received Received
  P-587 Hospital Anticipatory Care Planning for Inpatients of Organic Old Age Psychiatry Wards (NHS Lanarkshire) Sarah Brennan Received Received
  P-596 Audit of patients absent without leave from Nile ward, PICU Hamish Naismith Received Received
  P-605 RCPsych Curriculum Framework 2022 Pauline Whitelaw Received Received
  P-607 The association between obesity and depression in adults: a meta-review Abdi Malik Musa Received Received
  P-608 Evaluation of tobacco use and willingness to accept nicotine replacement therapy during stay in an acute inpatient psychiatric ward Isabel Ganhao Received Received
  P-609 ELPS helps Rajalakshmi Valaiyapathi Received Received
  P-611 Assessing the Practice of Written Referrals to Neuroradiology and How This Can Be Improved and Standardised Fraser Currie Received Received
  P-617 The effectiveness of community treatment orders (CTOS) across Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust (BSMHFT) Sambavi Navaratnarajah Received Received
  P-619 Evaluating virtual role play based learning to improve the confidence and competence of Junior Doctors undertaking on call shifts in inpatient Psychiatry Katherine Gardner Received Received
  P-628 Dramatic portrayal of suicide: a critical analysis of Netflixs 13 Reasons Why Anna Sutton Received Received
  P-629 The impact of rTMS on patients with dual diagnosis of depressive disorder and substance use disorders Wael Foad Received Received
  P-632 The biopsychosocial aspects of alzheimers disease Hugo Labat Received Received
  P-633 Audit of physical health monitoring on admission to Mill Lodge (CAMHS Inpatient Unit, York) Andreea Steiu Received Received
  P-635 Prescribing and monitoring high dose and combined antipsychotics in community mental health team Dipanjan Banerjee Received Received
  P-640 Clinical audit on possible causes of hospital initiated clinic cancellations and recommendation to improve the service Tanzida Haque Received Received
  P-649 Governance of Protecting Patients Sureshkumar Bhatt Received Received
  P-656 Results of a client satisfaction questionnaire in a NHS psychotherapy department Elizabeth Ogston Received Received
  P-658 West Midlands General Adult Psychiatry Higher Trainees Peer Group Wellbeing Away Day Emma Fisher Received Received
  P-660 Handcuff use on forensic psychiatry wards Rachel Swain Received Received
  P-663 Medical prescription and nursing administration of medication in learning disabilities in-patient settings Ellen Williams Received Received
  P-670 Audit of compliance with WHO surgical safety checklist (modified for electroconvulsive therapy including NPSA advice) FAISAL ALAM Received Received
  P-671 Beta-frequency electrophysiological bursts: BOLD correlates and relationships with psychotic illness Paul Briley Received Received
  P-673 Trust-wide improvement and standardisation of the medical handover Kabir Yisa Received Received
  P-674 Are acute psychiatric units providing adequate inpatient services for borderline personality disorder patients? Siew Boon Ling Received Received
  P-692 Does the advice requested by carers of people who live with dementia reflect the level of commissioned post-diagnostic support? A retrospective evaluation of calls to the Me2U dementia day centre 24-hour advice line Rajan Nathan Received Received
  P-693 Towards peak experience - exploring the influence of wilderness on conscious awareness Oliver Purnell Received Received
  P-701 Child parent psychotherapy in the treatment of severe trauma in a 4 year old child with co-occurring autism spectrum disorder Clare Lamb Received Received
  P-702 Using trust service transformation to improve the physical health monitoring of home treatment patients Lydia Bell Received Received
  P-705 Does my patient have sex ? - Mental health professionals understanding of sexual health issues among their patients Nalin Hettiarachchi Received Received
  P-706 The haematological side effects of clozapine: literature review and meta-analysis Tariq Munshi Received Received
  P-710 Length of stay in a home treatment team Nicole Gill Received Received
  P-712 Root causes of deaths by suicide amongst patients under the care of a mental health trust: a thematic analysis Opeyemi Odejimi Received Received
  P-713 Subcortical biochemistry in infants with and without a family history of neurodevelopmental conditions and their developmental outcomes at 14-16 months Cornelia Carey Received Received
  P-718 Improving the Clozapine Initiation Pathway in the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust Rebecca Cairns Received Received
  P-725 Audit to assess discussion of sexual dysfunction for new patients entering a community mental health recovery service yasmin abbasi Received Received
  P-730 An innovative method of expanding the support for doctors returning to training in psychiatry after a period of extended leave: the Sheffield Mindful Support Programme Helen Linnington Received Received
  P-734 Collaborative development of course feedback with students for PsychED Up. Put more in, get more out. Lois Zac-Williams Received Received
  P-739 Quality improvement supervision comparison between training and non training posts Qutub Jamali Received Received
  P-740 Inflammatory mechanisms of mental illness: brain inflammatory response to interferon stimulation James Herron Received Received
  P-743 A literature review for the introduction of psychiatric simulation to University of Liverpool Medical School Alexander Challinor Received Received
  P-746 Patient composition in old age psychiatry inpatient wards: what can we learn from it? Sil-Jun Lau Received Received
  P-749 Reduced motivation to work for financial reward associated with harmful alcohol use in a community sample of young adults Jessica Henry Received Received
  P-750 Evaluation of a novel consultant psychiatric clinic in general practices and its effects on secondary mental health contact and the general practitioners perspectives Daniel Whitney Received Received
  P-752 Mental health, physical impairment and violence among FSWS in North Karnataka, South India: a story of intersecting vulnerabilities Alicja Beksinska Received Received
  P-754 Does mental illness even exist? A medical education case report of reverse-mentorship Michael Jewell Received Received
  P-759 An audit cycle of physical health monitoring and record keeping of long term in-patients at male and female psychiatric rehabilitation wards using QI approach Hina Tahseen Received Received
  P-760 Prevalence and correlates of substance use among transgender adults: a systematic narrative review Dean Connolly Received Received
  P-763 Psychiatric staff training in managing medical emergencies: re-audit Sarah Abd El Sayed Received Received
  P-764 What happens to frequent attenders when they attend psychiatric liaison services? a clinical and demographic profile Frederick Grose Received Received
  P-768 Does attending psychiatry teaching lectures change attitude of medical students towards people with mental illness? A longitudinal survey from nepal? Suresh Thapaliya Received Received
  P-770 The perception of behaviour associated with dementia in the acute hospital zumer jawaid Received Received
  P-774 Implementing out of hours MDT safety huddles at the Ladywell Unit, Lewisham, South London and the Maudsley (SLAM) NHS Foundation Trust Su Ying Yeoh Received Received
  P-777 Trainees perspective on the best use of supervision-hour in psychiatry training - a qualitative study Raja Adnan Ahmed Received Received
  P-783 Transient musical hallucinations in a young adult male associated with alcohol withdrawal Mao Fong Lim Received Received
  P-784 Audit on the monitoring of metabolic side effects of antipsychotics in acute inpatient psychiatric units at Fieldhead Hospital Stephanie Vel En Tial Received Received
  P-788 Audit of follow-up within 7 days on discharge from the mental health unit, Forth Valley Royal Hospital Matthew Turner Received Received
  P-793 Testing a computerised tool to improve physical health monitoring in a medium secure forensic setting Mike Smith Received Received
  P-794 Utilisation of mental health transfer checklist proforma from acute physical health hospitals (Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust) to mental health hospitals (Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust) Dalal Al-Bazz Received Received
  P-796 Clinical audit of prescribing for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and young people services (CYPS) Mary Parker Received Received
  P-799 Vitamin D monitoring and management within mens secure services Shay-Anne Pantall Received Received
  P-800 A closed audit reviewing the electrocardiograms of patients presenting to the memory assessment team Joseph Heath Received Received
  P-801 Applying ethical dimensions in clinical dilemmas Rachel Swain Received Received
  P-803 Development of a co-produced tool for monitoring and supporting the mental health of young people Anna Good Received Received
  P-804 A quality improvement project on timely completion of bloods and ECGs on a tier 4 child and adolescent inpatient unit Emma Salter Received Received
  P-805 Audit of baseline cardiometabolic monitoring for patients prescribed or advised dose increase of antipsychotic medication by the knowsley assessment team Debakanta Behera Received Received
  P-807 Working with catatonia: a qualitative exploration of inpatient team emotional responses Emma Salter Received Received
  P-808 To assess implementation of trust policy (smoke free policy) on an acute mixed mental health ward setting Antigoni Elisseou Received Received
  P-813 Implementation of physical examination pro forma a complete audit cycle Deshwinder Singh Sidhu Received Received
  P-819 Compliance with NICE Guidelines on ADHD Diagnosis, Treatment & Side Effects Monitoring (Service Evaluation Project) Jawad Raja Received Received
  P-820 Dementia screening: an audit of screening for reversible causes of dementia Kim Herbert Received Received
  P-822 Standards for lithium monitoring. Are we good at adhering to these standards in Lanarkshire? Saba Ansari Received Received
  P-823 Waiting list eradication in serious mental illness (SMI) secondary care psychology: addressing an NHS blind spot Nicola Airey Received Received
  P-827 Improving quality of psychiatry training in Northern Ireland through the introduction of postgraduate education fellows Catherine Boucher Received Received
  P-834 The Development of Liaison and Diversion Services for Mentally Disordered Offenders in England and Wales Patrick McLaughlin Received Received
  P-838 Sodium valproate prescribing in women of childbearing potential Shane Donnelly Received Received
  P-840 Validation of the internet addiction test (IAT) to Sinhalese and assessment of internet addiction among school children in Sri Lanka Chamara Wijesinghe Received Received
  P-842 Pilot project: easy read psychiatry clinic appointment outcome letters Anu Sharma Received Received
  P-843 Who wants to be a psychiatrist? Northern Ireland foundation doctors (2006 - 2018) positive towards psychiatry as career choice Michael Doris Received Received
  P-845 Inspiring our future psychiatrists: a quality improvement project to optimise the medical student experience in community CAMHS settings Brindha ANANDAKUMAR Received Received
  P-847 End of life care in a secure hospital setting Owen Obasohan Received Received
  P-852 Audit of therapeutic drug monitoring of clozapine plasma levels Shakina Bellam Received Received
  P-853 An enquiry into my use of supervised clinical assessments in the supervision of junior trainees Yuan Choo Received Received
  P-854 A haven for an extremely disturbed young person Rummana Khan Received Received
  P-855 An Audit into the Monitoring of Off-Label Antipsychotics in Primary Care Damir Rafi Received Received
  P-856 Acceptability and feasibility of using avatar based software in a medium secure setting Katy Mason Received Received
  P-859 Prescribing in patients with a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder compliance with National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines. Bethany Dudley Received Received
  P-862 Physical health monitoring of patients prescribed depot antipsychotic medication in North West Edinburgh Community Mental Health Team Douglas Murdie Received Received
  P-868 Baseline ECGs done in memory clinics in Leicestershire Tamara Chithiramohan Received Received
  P-870 A survey of the use of Seclusion and Physical Restraint at school and at home for children under the care of the NHS Lanarkshire CAMHS-Learning Disability team Sukhmeet Singh Received Received
  P-871 Audit of high dose antipsychotic prescribing in the Havering community recovery team Chinedu Umeh Received Received
  P-875 Attitudes of medical students towards choosing psychiatry as a career Mohammad Sharique Ahmad Received Received
  P-878 How long does it take community mental health team staff to suspect autistic spectrum disorder? Kirsty Knight Received Received
  P-881 Virtual reality cognitive & functional assessment in psychosis Joel Patchitt Received Received
  P-883 Evidence base for psychological treatment of personality disorder a narrative review Caoimhe Ní Shúilleabháin Received Received
  P-884 A question of information mismatch in the SPC and PIL on the effect of ADHD stimulant medications on tourettes syndrome Idura Hisham Received Received
  P-886 A flowchart to facilitate decision-making in prescribing psychotropic medication under the Mental Health Act 1983 Syed Abdullah Received Received
  P-888 The quality of handover on an inpatient psychiatric unit - information is key Emma Davies Received Received
  P-889 The introduction of balint groups for core medical trainees a pilot Itunuayo Ayeni Received Received
  P-890 Person centred approaches to learning hold a potential for a mature depth of understanding and engagement as opposed to the traditional transmission of knowledge approach to learning Adrian Heald Received Received
  P-892 The role of animal-assisted therapy in the management of people with dementia: a systematic literature review Syed Nabeel Javaid Received Received
  P-893 Survey to evaluate care of complex clients in residential setting Rosa Sadraei Received Received
  P-894 A qualitative study of foundation year two (F2) doctors attitudes towards psychiatry carried out in Northern Ireland Michael Doris Received Received
  P-897 Abstract : stomp in HPFT Anu Sharma Received Received
  P-898 Identification of patients with mood disorder following admission with hip fracture with a view to starting treatment and provide advice Karla Giles Received Received
  P-900 Prevalence of pulmonary disease in alcohol and poly substance abuse Ghaza Sheikh Received Received
  P-901 An analysis of lithium requesting across three hospital trusts in the UK: many people are managed with lithium levels below the current nice guidance lower limit Adrian Heald Received Received
  P-902 The links between the amount of antipsychotic medication prescribed at GP practice level, local demographic factors and medication ion ADRIAN HEALD Received Received
  P-903 Glucose Transporter (GLUTs) Alterations in Alzheimers Disease Natalia Kyrtata Received Received
  P-904 Survey of junior doctors perspective of serious incident reviews Olusegun Popoola Received Received
  P-915 Prognostic evaluation of suicidality and development of risk factors in victims of physical and emotional child abuse and emotional/psychological neglect Latif Miah Received Received
  P-916 Bournewood in Belfast: whos ready? Hayley Bowes Received Received
  P-919 A different perspective: using interactive virtual reality (IVR) for psychiatry training Huw Evans Received Received
  P-922 An audit on prescribing practice and risk of serotonin syndrome among patients with chronic pain Salakan Rai Received Received
  P-923 No time to die: improving response to emergency scenarios in the 136 suite Rebecca McKnight Received Received
  P-924 Sleep and the risk of cognitive impairment and dementia: further insights from the Caerphilly Prospective Study James Selwood Received Received
  P-925 High dose antipsychotic treatment monitoring audit Jake Scott Received Received
  P-930 Transition from child and adolescent MHS to adult MHS: what happens to young people with personality disorder? Martynas Malkov Received Received
  P-931 Audit of the use of the Physical Health Improvement Tool (PHIT) to document physical health monitoring on electronic health records at a Mental Health Trust in Manchester. Antnony Baynham Received Received
  P-932 Improving the safety of rapid tranquilisation in older people Richard Harris Received Received
  P-935 Differentiated white blood cell count measures as a predictor of weight in anorexia nervosa Benjamin Cross Received Received
  P-936 Comparison of intermittent theta bursts and standard high frequency protocols for rTMS in patients with depression in a clinic based in Manchester, UK Nikhila Deshpande Received Received
  P-939 Phew Time to focus on physical health and wellbeing: Improving the assessment and management of physical health in an Early Intervention in psychosis service Bethany Cole Received Received
  P-940 Is pregnancy status being assessed within womens secure services? Shay-Anne Pantall Received Received
  P-950 Suicide: can we identify and manage those at risk more effectively? Emily Roberts Received Received
  P-952 A state hospital survey of movement disorders including intention tremor Nigel Bark Received Received
  P-953 An audit of vitamin D monitoring and management of deficiency in womens secure services Shay-Anne Pantall Received Received
  P-957 Quality improvement project: Improving adherence to DVLA (driving and vehicle licensing agency) guidance in the Tyrone & Fermanagh Hospital Acute Inpatients Ward Vivian Sing Received Received
  P-958 West Midlands region less than full time training survey Eleanor Parkinson Received Received
  P-959 Substance misuse teaching: a patient safety issue Mary Thornton Received Received
  P-961 The path is smooth that leadeth on to danger: caffeine and psychosis Isabel Ganhao Received Received
  P-962 Service Evaluation Audit of Primary Care Mental Health (PCMHT) Support Services Pilot Project in North Wales Jawad Raja Received Received
  P-963 Pregnancy and contraceptive questioning within acute inpatient psychiatric admissions: are we asking enough? Elle Partington Received Received
  P-970 Cambridge Mental Health Film Club: COVID expansion and our Standard Operating Protocol to help new clubs Felix Clay Received Received
  P-979 Dyeing to live - a case of clozapine, creativity and courage Alma Rae Received Received
  P-986 Psychiatric comorbidities with autism spectrum disorder in an adult clinic sample Rifat Binte Radwan Received Received
  P-990 A pilot project to increase trainee engagement using a social media platform- outcomes and lessons learnt Amy Grimason Received Received
  P-992 Alcohol hand sanitisers on mental health wards safety risk educational and QI poster Peter McMurray Received Received
  P-996 ADHD - provision of information: quality improvement project Haroon Yaqub Received Received
  P-997 Urine drug screening in womens forensic mental health services: is current practice meeting guidelines? Shay-Anne Pantall Received Received
  P-998 Redesigning the psychiatry induction Sharadha Wisidagama Received Received
  P-999 Tolerability of a single IV administration of a methylene blue challenge in patients with bipolar disorder: preliminary data from a pharmaco-MRI study Harriet Sharp Received Received
  P-1000 Suicides in Barnsley- an IHBTT project Nadia Imran Received Received
  P-1003 Epidemiology and current treatment patterns of treatment-resistant depression in Scotland: a CPRD study Timothy Ming Received Received
  P-1006 Assessing DNA rates for new referrals in older adults Aamina Cheema Received Received
  P-1008 The catatonia syndrome: forgotten but not gone- a case report blerta cenko Received Received
  P-1010 Improving physical health care for inpatients with eating disorders Edward Knights Received Received
  P-1011 Evaluating appropriate use of nicotine replacement therapy on acute adult psychiatric units and adverse events related to smoking bans on wards Sabrina Hasnaoui Received Received
  P-1013 Re-evaluating trainee experience of involvement in serious incidents has anything changed? Glori-Louise de Bernier Received Received
  P-1014 Resolving the discrepancies of suicide risk in obsessive-compulsive patients: a review of incidence rates and risk factors of suicide and suicide attempts in OCD Himanshu Tyagi Received Received
  P-1019 Profile of sleep pattern, psychiatric co-morbidity and problematic electronic gadget use in children and adolescents with autism and ADHD Darpan Kaur Received Received
  P-1024 You have to acknowledge the problem before you can address the problem: Audit looking at identification of co-existing substance misuse in a Liaison Psychiatry patient population Emma McLean Received Received
  P-1027 Severe & enduring mental illness and HIV Ravneet Batra Received Received
  P-1035 Quantfying the disorganization and the core deficit in classical schizophrenia Mohanbabu Rathnaiah Received Received
  P-1036 A Service Evaluation and Improvement Project: Outcomes of older adult functional referrals to the North Derbyshire Liaison Team. Maha Ejaz Received Received
  P-1037 A survey into the influence of dopaminergic drug exposure on sense of presence symptoms in patients with parkinsons disease Emma Padfield Received Received
  P-1042 DNA methylation changes in LINE-1 following antipsychotic treatment in schizophrenia Helene Fachim Received Received
  P-1043 An audit of the use of psychotropic medications over the course of an admission to a specialist dementia ward Sukhmeet Singh Received Received
  P-1045 A review of serious untoward incidents (SUIS) of patients with personality disorder (PD) Harry Reid Received Received
  P-1046 Attitudes and perceptions of parents towards child and adolescent psychiatric consultation, diagnosis and treatment Darpan Kaur Received Received
  P-1047 Re-audit of use of seclusion in a tier 4 adolescent psychiatric intensive care unit Yuki Takao Received Received
  P-1049 The Coventry Grid Interview (CGI): exploring autism and attachment difficulties Jarah James Received Received
  P-1050 Rs6265 Val66Met BDNF polymorphism association with inflammatory response and trauma of individuals in first episode of psychosis Helene Fachim Received Received
  P-1052 Audit into post diagnostic support in newly diagnosed dementia patients Madhumanti Mitra Received Received
  P-1053 Medication charts and consent to treatment documentation audit in an acute mixed in-patient psychiatry unit in south Manchester Madhumanti Mitra Received Received
  P-1057 Improving safety-planning in patients admitted with self-harm Kathryn Hughes Received Received
  P-1062 Clinical Audit cycle of Mental Health Act (MHA) documentation for patients on section 3 staying 90 days and over in adult wards at Roseberry park hospital Rohini Ravishankar Received Received
  P-1065 Audit on nursing notes in a psychiatry in-patient setting Kavinda Gunathillaka Received Received
  P-1067 N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor binding in First-Episode Psychosis: A PET brain imaging study Katherine Beck Received Received
  P-1069 Patterns of antipsychotic prescribing in first episode psychosis - differences between acute and early intervention services James Fallon Received Received
  P-1073 Attitude & belief towards mental illness and psychiatry as a faculty among medical students at International Medical University, Malaysia Debakanta Behera Received Received
  P-1077 Cervical screening in assertive outreach team patients Hannah Reynolds Received Received
  P-1078 Pre-discharge factors associated with early readmission to psychiatric inpatient services within 90 days Jessica Wright Received Received
  P-1079 Implementing a physical healthcare clinic in a CAMHS neurodevelopmental population Sacha Evans Received Received
  P-1081 Quality Improvement by Introduction of 72-hour Admission Pathway in Forest House Adolescent Unit (FHAU) for Young People In Crisis Sadaf Mufti Received Received
  P-1082 Audit of physical health monitoring during initiation and ongoing treatment with antipsychotic medication in a tier 3 outpatient CAMHS service, Belfast Pam Hamlyn Received Received
  P-1083 Site downsizing: a blessing or a curse? Benjamin Waterhouse Received Received
  P-1084 Audit for prescription and administration of PRN buccal midazolam for people with learning disabilities and epilepsy in the Hertfordshire & Essex Anu Sharma Received Received
  P-1086 Improving the quality of the single point of access (SPA) meeting for Southwark Integrated Psychological Therapies Team (IPTT) Thomas Stephenson Received Received
  P-1094 A pilot to assess the feasibility and potential clinical utility of enhanced sleep management on inpatient wards in a mental health trust Ambrina Roshi Received Received
  P-1095 The physical healthcare of patients in secure hospitals: setting standards for medical equipment Abigail Hood Received Received
  P-1099 Perinatal mental health training - a quality improvement project Ana Roldan Ramos Received Received
  P-1102 Perinatal mental health case report- lithium therapy an unexpected outcome Ana Roldan Received Received
  P-1105 Audit: sodium valproate risk minimization in women of child-bearing age Ana Roldan Received Received
  P-1106 Prevalence of DSM-V mental disorders in a cohort of young adults in Ireland Josen MC Grane Received Received
  P-1110 Are we adequately reviewing confusion inducing drugs in patients referred to the memory assessment service? Siddhant Hegde Received Received
  P-1115 Characterization of a novel CSF1R mutation causing hereditary diffuse leukoencephalopathy with spheroids in a case presenting with young-onset dementia Tareq Qassem Received Received
  P-1116 Development and validation of a non-remission risk prediction model in First Episode Psychosis: An analysis of two longitudinal studies Samuel Leighton Received Received
  P-1123 An Audit on Admission Clerkings across Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust (LSCFT). Sophie Edgell Received Received
  P-1125 Taking leadership over psychopathogenic environments Alastair Cockburn Received Received
  P-1128 Improving knowledge and confidence in the acute management of eating disorders and resulting complications Sarah Fynes-Clinton Received Received
  P-1130 Mapping the interface between criminal justice and psychiatric services across NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Stephen Davidson Received Received
  P-1131 Dublins homeless crisis is this reflected in emergency department psychiatry referrals? Aoibheann McLoughlin Received Received
  P-1134 Patient & staff perceptions of animal-assisted therapy in psychiatric rehabilitation Laura Sallette Received Received
  P-1136 The effect of ketamine on psychopathology and implications for understanding schizophrenia and its therapeutic use: a meta-analysis Katherine Beck Received Received
  P-1141 Listen to hard topics with soft ears - domestic violence and family carer; a survey of referrals to a MHIDD forensic mental health service in Ireland Anthony Kearns Received Received
  P-1143 The kind of doctor I wanted to be. A qualitative analysis of junior doctors reasons for choosing to train in psychiatry and in Wales Alan Slater Received Received
  P-1144 What is psychiatry? an exploration of the effect of a psychiatry summer school on school students attitudes towards psychiatry, through the medium of word clouds Clementine Wyke Received Received
  P-1146 A systematic review of the effects of nicotine replacement therapy on agitation among psychiatric inpatients Joseph Toms Received Received
  P-1147 A clinical audit to investigate polypharmacy and interactions in inpatients in an old age psychiatric ward Mohanbabu Rathnaiah Received Received
  P-1148 Improving facilitation of ECT treatment for patients in an acute medical hospital Vatsala Mishra Received Received
  P-1150 An unregistered TARDBP mutation in a case presenting with young-onset dementia Tareq Qassem Received Received
  P-1151 Are we meeting local and national guidelines for physical health assessment following admission to the meadows? yasmin abbasi Received Received
  P-1155 Improving physical health for psychiatric patients detained in a low secure forensic psychiatric unit in the United Kingdom Cosmina Cross Received Received
  P-1156 Induction shouldnt be painful: Improving psychiatry local induction for junior doctors across the South West Bethany Cole Received Received
  P-1157 Delirium - are we doing enough prevention and basic management in acute settings? Anna Watkins Received Received
  P-1158 Evaluating patients and healthcare professionals understanding of voting rights for patients in government elections Mark Winchester Received Received
  P-1162 The clinical complexity of cases of schizophrenia in a community mental health team: a 3 year comparison Shay-Anne Pantall Received Received
  P-1164 A two-year mirror-image study of the effect of treatment with paliperidone and aripiprazole long-acting injections on need for inpatient care and home treatment intervention Shay-Anne Pantall Received Received
  P-1166 Distinguishing vulnerable clients from psychotic patients with follow-up mortality data Aggrey Burke Received Received
  P-1169 Compliance with NICE guidelines for management of depression in a Community Mental Health Team Shay-Anne Pantall Received Received
  P-1170 Characteristics and outcome indicators in a specialist inpatient intellectual disability unit: an independent sector experience Mike Apio Received Received
  P-1171 Reducing the use of high dose antipsychotic medication in acute adult inpatient psychiatric units Shay-Anne Pantall Received Received
  P-1175 Reviewing suitability of Essex Partnership University Foundation NHS Trust out of area locked rehab placements shereen ali Received Received
  P-1178 Physical health monitoring and management in patients under the early intervention team (EIT) in Liverpool & Sefton: could our service be improved? Rebecca Talbutt Received Received
  P-1180 An audit: fitness to drive assessment in inpatients of general adult and old age psychiatry Ismail Khan Received Received
  P-1184 Pilot of adult ADHD nurse post supporting the delivery of care within CMHTs in a Scottish Health and Social Care Partnership Shani Ross Received Received
  P-1197 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists mood disorders clinical practice guidelines update John Allan Received Received
  P-1409 Psychoeducation for the Frontline: Ealing Liaison Psychiatry Service (ELPS) pilot training day for London Ambulance Service (LAS) Emma McLean Received Received
  P-1412 An audit comparing telephone reviews to standard face-to-face consultations within child and adolescent mental health services at Massereene House EILEEN MOSS Received Received
  P-1413 Are they medically fit? - clinical audit on the physical assessment of mental health patients in A&E Ashley Cooper Received Received
  P-1415 Co-morbid gambling disorder in a local drug and alcohol service: an audit to determine prevalence John Barker Received Received
  P-1421 Identifying perinatal self-harm in electronic healthcare records using natural language processing Karyn Ayre Received Received
  P-1422 Establishing safety huddles on a general adult acute psychiatric ward: staffs views and relation with restrictive practice Sidra Chaudhry Received Received
  P-1423 Are drug consumption facilities an effective intervention to reduce drug related mortality? A critical review of the literature Holly Melvin Received Received
  P-1426 The Effect of Schizophrenia-associated CNVs on Other Psychiatric Disorders Lily Farakish Received Received
  P-1427 A study of the reasons for prescribing and misuse of gabapentinoids in prison including their co-prescription with opioids and antidepressants anju soni Received Received
  P-1428 Anxiety levels during COVID 19 pandemic in primary and secondary care doctors in UK Shweta Mittal Received Received
  P-1430 A case of olanzapine-associated rhabdomyolysis Valentin Skryabin Received Received
  P-1438 Improving Training and Support by Improving our Out of Hours Handover, Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust Mehmet Gez Received Received
  P-1445 Qualitative study: learning from recovery: what do people who have recovered from alcohol dependence have to teach those who are still struggling? Anju Soni Received Received
  P-1447 Psychotropic prescribing practices in adults with intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder in Richmond Neurodevelpmental Services Anushka Dissanayake Received Received
  P-1449 Improving reasonable adjustments for people with autism in the York Early Intervention in Psychosis Service Daniel Whitney Received Received
  P-1452 Rehabilitation during a pandemic: psychiatrists as first responders? Jeremy Cave Received Received
  P-1454 Sleep quality and adherence to medical therapy among hemodialysis patients with depression: a cross-sectional study from a developing country Syed Muhammad Jawad Zaidi Received Received
  P-1455 Evaluating adult forensic staff knowledge of olanzapine Long-Acting Injection post injection syndrome: a service improvement project Annalie Clark Received Received
  P-1456 Exploring the predictive factors for depression among hemodialysis patients: a case-control study Syed Muhammad Jawad Zaidi Received Received
  P-1460 Substance use determinants in Jamaican under-25s: family, peers, spirituality and maltreatment (literature review) Oliver Sargent Received Received
  P-1462 Obsessive compulsive disorder in coroners reports Himanshu Tyagi Received Received
  P-1464 Interview skills psychiatry reel to reality Abishan Thavarajah Received Received
  P-1468 War-related trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder prevalence among Syrian university students Fatema Mohsen Received Received
  P-1469 Physical Health Monitoring in the Antipsychotic Depot Clinic Rebecca Davies Received Received
  P-1471 To what extent does the COVID-19 pandemic impact patients with anorexia nervosa? Krishna Mehta Received Received
  P-1472 Attitudes Surrounding the Disclosure of Mental Illness Brishti Sengupta Received Received
  P-1478 National video consultation service- changing the way we deliver future care Alka Ahuja Received Received
  P-1479 Striving for Better Communication - An Audit Eleanor Breen OByrne Received Received
  P-1481 Psilocybin: the magic medicine for depression? Amber Elyse Corrigan Received Received
  P-1482 Trainees4trainees: an innovative peer support project for junior doctors across specialties Sophie Behrman Received Received
  P-1486 Psychosomatic aspects of psoriasis and atopic dermatitis Olga Belugina Received Received
  P-1487 Exploring evidence of fatigue in survivors of paediatric brain tumours: a systematic review Jennifer Wood Received Received
  P-1489 The effectiveness of telepsychiatry: a thematic review Gunjan Sharma Received Received
  P-1491 Developing A Virtual Mock CASC Laura Somerville Received Received
  P-1493 Confusion and a cough: an experience of COVID-19 in dementia patients Emily Giles Received Received
  P-1494 Treatment resistant depression in the UK: sub-analysis of a European real-world evidence study Emma Phillips Received Received
  P-1495 Internet sex addiction: a case report Valentin Skryabin Received Received
  P-1498 Survive and thrive wellbeing programme: an innovative experiential wellbeing programme for trainees in Health Education England- Thames Valley (HEE-TV) Haido Vlachos Received Received
  P-1500 Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anger and mental health of school students in Syria after nine years of conflict: a large-scale school-based study Sami Jomaa Received Received
  P-1501 Mental disorder and PTSD in Syria during wartime: a nationwide crisis Sami Jomaa Received Received
  P-1505 Capacity And Consent To Treatment - How Well Did We Do? Khui Wee Received Received
  P-1507 The monitoring and use of Pro re nata (PRN) psychotropic medication for people with learning disabilities on an inpatient ward Heena Mistry Received Received
  P-1509 Whistle while you work: improving psychiatry training in a London NHS Trust and what we learned along the way Emily Duncan Received Received
  P-1510 Core psychiatry trainees views on MRCPsych course structure and delivery at East Midlands Deanery Asma Javed Received Received
  P-1512 To explore if change in practice to remote consultations affect patient satisfaction with the serviceTo evaluate the effect of change in practice to remote consultations on DNA rate and patient satisfaction with the service Kozara Nader Received Received
  P-1513 An audit to assess the measurement of Body Mass Index (BMI) and referral to the dietetics service following admission to the general adult inpatient wards in Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust Declan Hyland Received Received
  P-1514 An evaluation of the prevalence of weight-related comorbidities in patients following admission to the general adult inpatient wards in Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust Declan Hyland Received Received
  P-1520 An audit to assess physical health monitoring of patients following their admission to the general adult psychiatric inpatient wards in Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust Declan Hyland Received Received
  P-1521 Special Interest- what are trainees doing in the West Midlands? Nidhi Gupta Received Received
  P-1522 An evaluation of the prevalence of physical health comorbidities in patients with severe and enduring mental illness following admission to the general adult psychiatric inpatient wards in Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust Declan Hyland Received Received
  P-1526 Perinatal mental health outcome measures in a mother and baby unit Raunica Katyal Received Received
  P-1528 A retrospective case-control service evaluation of CAARMS scores of patients with autism in York EIP, compared to age matched controls Daniel Whitney Received Received
  P-1530 Service evaluation and research project: pros and cons of centralisation of ECT services in Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust Madhumanti Mitra Received Received
  P-1533 Implementation of treatment escalation plans in a community psychiatric hospital Anne Yan Ting Chua Received Received
  P-1535 Maternal immune activation generates anxiety in offspring: A translational meta-analysis Ursula Matos Received Received
  P-1536 Physical health monitoring before commencing regular antipsychotics in a Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) - A Quality Improvement project Divyanish . Received Received
  P-1539 Are the rapid tranquilisation nice guidelines adhered to, in patients with agitated/aggressive behavior? a QIP Sathyan Rajan Received Received
  P-1540 Are the staff in Heddfan Psychiatric Unit, Wrexham Maelor Hospital, are adhering to the personal protective equipment (PPE) guidance as per Public Health Education, England? a QIP Asha Dhandapani Received Received
  P-1541 Service evaluation for services for younger people with dementia in east locality of north Wales Asha Devi Received Received
  P-1542 Audit on monitoring physical health of patients on mood stabilisers following NICE guidelines Sathyan Rajan Received Received
  P-1544 Melatonin prescribing practices and the provision of sleep hygiene/parent-led sleep behavioural Interventions in S-CAMHS, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board (ABUHB)- Service evaluation as part of quality improvement project Umer Jalal Received Received
  P-1545 An audit of admission clerking of patients in Heddfan, Adult Mental Health Unit in BCUHB - north Wales Asha Dhandapani Received Received
  P-1546 The role of telephone consultations in psychiatry Jonathan Packer Received Received
  P-1551 A retrospective analysis comparing clinical outcome measures pre- and post- the introduction of telehealth in a community-based psychiatry clinic in a tertiary medical centre Liam Edwards Received Received
  P-1553 A survey of the level of knowledge and understanding of members of the inpatient team on the role of the physician associate on the general adult psychiatric wards Declan Hyland Received Received
  P-1554 An analysis of the views of different members of the inpatient team on the role of the physician associate on the general adult psychiatric wards Declan Hyland Received Received
  P-1555 Acute administration of escitalopram increases premature responding as a function of reward magnitude in healthy male volunteers nikolina skandali Received Received
  P-1556 Heart rate variability and emotion regulation in adults with eating disorders or obesity: a systematic review Chloe Gilkinson Received Received
  P-1565 Exploring the mental health impact on private flat owners in residential buildings with external combustible cladding William Martin Received Received
  P-1569 A review of required monitoring and management of physical health parameters in patients being treated with clozapine louisa ward Received Received
  P-1570 Service evaluation of weight gain in patients prescribed antipsychotics within the early intervention service Louisa Ward Received Received
  P-1574 Attitudes of medical students towards psychiatry and mental illness: a cross-sectional study from Pakistan Syed Muhammad Jawad Zaidi Received Received
  P-1575 A closed loop audit of clerking psychiatric histories in an acute psychiatric inpatient unit Samuel Smith Received Received
  P-1576 Compliance with Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency guidance in a psychiatric inpatient setting Sarah Winfield Received Received
  P-1579 A quality improvement project on the discharge summary completion process in an addictions service Lily Mohamed Received Received
  P-1581 A literature review of whether communication skills specific to psychiatry are being taught to medical undergraduates around the world Declan Hyland Received Received
  P-1585 Reducing high dose antipsychotic therapy (HDAT) in a community mental health team (CMHT) Richard Walsh Received Received
  P-1586 Professional training and case-load mix within a community mental health team Richard Walsh Received Received
  P-1587 An Audit into the Use of Psychotropic Medications in Patients with Autism Spectrum Disorders at Broadmoor Hospital Elliott Carthy Received Received
  P-1588 Physical Health Audit of Gwent Specialist Substance Misuse Services (North Team) Mohamed Bader Received Received
  P-1589 Quality Improvement in Remote Prescribing Mohamed Bader Received Received
  P-1594 Lithium monitoring in patients over 65 in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Catriona Ingram Received Received
  P-1598 Audit on antipsychotic prescribing in children and young people with a learning disability under the care of mental health services in Surrey Timothy Cherian James Received Received
  P-1601 Vitamin d monitoring and management in the inpatient services - reaudit Vasudevan Krishnan Received Received
  P-1602 Peer-led Teaching In A Pandemic Rosa Roberts Received Received
  P-1605 QI project: Improvement in quality of Seclusion Medical Review Shumaila Shahbaz Received Received
  P-1608 Buspirone in obsessive-compulsive disorder: a potential dark horse? Kabir Garg Received Received
  P-1610 Referrals to liaison services for older adults with deliberate self harm during the SARS-Cov-2 national lockdown - a collaborative service evaluation using liaison referral data Josie Jenkinson Received Received
  P-1612 A study examining whether social cognitive abilities impact on recovery from PTSD Chantelle Wiseman Received Received
  P-1613 Evaluating service user & carer experience of videoconferencing software during COVID-19 pandemic Joe MacDonnell Received Received
  P-1616 Service user experience of remote consultations during COVID-19 in an older adult community mental health setting Darena Dineva Received Received
  P-1618 Early intervention in psychosis team (EIT): pathways to care chloe uffendell Received Received
  P-1619 Trials and tribulations of diagnosing and managing psychosis secondary to non-convulsive epilepsy Mahmoud Awara Received Received
  P-1621 Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa in Young People with Autism: A Literature Review Aneesa Karim Received Received
  P-1622 Keep Calm and Dont Just Carry On- Are Advanced Nurse Practitioners the missing piece for Old Age Psychiatry Inpatient Units? Grace Lydia Goss Received Received
  P-1623 Impairments in theory of mind following traumatic brain injury: a systematic review Radhika Chikramane Received Received
  P-1624 Escalation of care planning on an older adult inpatient unit during the COVID-19 pandemic Alexander McDermott Received Received
  P-1636 Clinical audit of the inclusion of the Lester Tool details in discharge documents at Foss Park Hospital, York Kayleigh Jones Received Received
  P-1638 Access to firearms: essential factor for risk management in psychiatry Donnchadh Walsh Received Received
  P-1640 Quetiapine: off-label prescribing in a community mental health team Ala Abdelgadir Received Received
  P-1642 A case of pervasive refusal syndrome related to COVID19 Nurul Aqma Mohd Kamil Received Received
  P-1644 A quality improvement (QI) project on improving trainee confidence in conducting remote psychiatric consultations at Pennine Care National Health Service (NHS) Foundation Trust in the United Kingdom (UK) Rachel Moir Received Received
  P-1645 A quality improvement project focused on improving the completion of notification of diagnosis forms for the dementia register, in an outpatient setting Katherine Johnston Received Received
  P-1646 Peripheral cortisol administration blunts reward arousal but heightens anxiety-like arousal in marmosets Laith Alexander Received Received
  P-1654 Suburban vs urban: do the attendees demographic profile influence the emergency departments mental health characteristics presentation? Sudha Jain Received Received
  P-1656 Attitudes of medical students to electroconvulsive therapy Patrick Clements Received Received
  P-1657 Acute mania with psychotic symptom in COVID-19 patient Sridevi Shanmugam Received Received
  P-1660 Nile Ward PICU Violence Reduction Quality Improvement Project Mehtab Rahman Received Received
  P-1661 Closed Loop Audit Investigating the Availability and Accessibility of Physical Healthcare Equipment in Mersey Cares Secure Division Thomas Davies Received Received
  P-1662 Insomnia management; dont sleep on it Maria Donnelly Received Received
  P-1664 Improving attendance in addictions - do quality improvement plans work? Soraya Mayet Received Received
  P-1667 Factors in psychiatric admissions: before and during the COVID-19 pandemic Robyn McCarron Received Received
  P-1671 An audit addressing the quality of prescribing sodium valproate in early intervention service Humaira Aziz Received Received
  P-1673 Audit of the use of seclusion in the Approved Centre in Tallaght University Hospital following the introduction of an Integrated Care Pathway Rebecca Conlan-Trant Received Received
  P-1674 Prevalence and course of anxiety and depression among patients ed for bariatric surgery Jonathan Gibb Received Received
  P-1678 Sociodemographic, clinical and personal characteristics of patients with borderline personality disorder in a public general hospital in Lima, Peru during the first wave of the COVID 19 pandemic Glauco Valdivieso Jiménez Received Received
  P-1679 Lockdown and visual hallucinations in older people: a community perspective Rim Roufael Received Received
  P-1681 Increasing routine HIV testing in low and medium secure forensic settings Rachel Swain Received Received
  P-1682 Reward processing in autism spectrum disorder and psychopathy: a systematic review Patrick McLaughlin Received Received
  P-1691 Improving capacity & consent to treatment recording in psychiatric inpatient wards: a multi-centre quality improvement project Hanif Soomro Received Received
  P-1692 The use of benzodiazepines and Z-drugs in the Acute Psychiatric Unit at Cavan General Hospital Salah Ateem Received Received
  P-1693 Auditing improvements to physical health in the acute psychiatric inpatient setting Joshua Silverblatt Received Received
  P-1696 A cross-sectional study exploring attitudes of first year medical students towards psychiatry and factors they identified that would help stimulate their interest Isabel Mark Received Received
  P-1698 The prevalence of autism spectrum traits and autism spectrum disorders in children and adolescents with obsessive compulsive disorder: a systematic review Claire Tiley Received Received
  P-1700 Hypnic Headache: A rare type of Primary Headache Disorder Muhammad Sayed Inam Received Received
  P-1702 Mechanisms of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in the Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa Lydia Shackshaft Received Received
  P-1705 Adherence to Public Health England (PHE) guidance for the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) in north Wales mental health unit- a regional audit Asha Devi Received Received
  P-1706 Improving remote prescribing in a CAMHS community team during the COVID-19 pandemic Sarah Tai Received Received
  P-1707 Developing a local service to improve the provision of palliative care to people who use substances Natasha Palipane Received Received
  P-1708 Junior doctor daytime bleep audit Asha Dhandapani Received Received
  P-1711 Impact of Psychiatric Comorbidities on Emergency Surgical Patients Outcomes Hongying Chen Received Received
  P-1712 Do you mind if I take your blood pressure? Physical health monitoring of children and young people on ADHD medication amidst a pandemic Emma Davies Received Received
  P-1714 How can automated linguistic analysis help to discern functional cognitive disorder from healthy controls and mild cognitive impairment? Lizzie Beavis Received Received
  P-1715 Improving the quality of GP referrals to the Croydon Assessment & Liaison Team Lucia Chaplin Received Received
  P-1717 An audit assessing the monitoring of SSRIS after initiation in children and adolescents Ella McGowan Received Received
  P-1718 What happens to people admitted to a specialist dementia unit in the west of Scotland? Andrew Donaldson Received Received
  P-1719 The impact of Stay At Home orders on the mental health condition of patients diagnosed with depression Ali Al-Isawi Received Received
  P-1723 Psychiatric presentations of patients with COVID-19: a retrospective review of 100 consecutive patients seen by liaison psychiatry services Yousaf Iqbal Received Received
  P-1724 Rates of cervical screening amongst patients admitted to the psychiatric inpatient hospital in Jersey, Channel Islands Jade Wright Received Received
  P-1725 Improving risk assessments for CAMHS admissions at Great Ormond Street Hospital Lisanne Stock Received Received
  P-1728 Patient experiences of the pandemic; exploring the effect of COVID-19 on patients detained under the Mental Health Act Emily Watson Received Received
  P-1729 Audit on use of PRN (pro re nata) psychotropic medication for behavioural disturbance in individuals with intellectual disability in the community Sathyan Rajan Received Received
  P-1730 Audit of the quality and content of discharge summaries from mental health inpatient units across Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board Asha Dhandapani Received Received
  P-1735 Has the Covid-19 pandemic affected out-of-hours presentations in CAMHS? Sacha Evans Received Received
  P-1737 Improving the patient involvement in research and development on acute psychiatric wards - an audit and quality improvement project Ioana Varvari Received Received
  P-1740 Delirium diagnosis and handover to primary care providers and medical teams Saba Inam Received Received
  P-1742 Obsessive-compulsive disorder: does CBT with exposure and response (ERP) prevention work? Jemma Reid Received Received
  P-1743 Exploring the views of university students with experience of common mental health disorders about support provided within primary care community settings Mikaela DArcy-Smith Received Received
  P-1744 Perspectives on implementing HIIT interventions for service users in inpatient mental health settings: a qualitative study investigating patient, carer and staff attitudes Rebecca Martland Received Received
  P-1745 Walking on sunshine Vitamin D in psychiatric inpatients Emma Davies Received Received
  P-1746 Michael Kohlhaas Syndrome - Taking the court to court Louisa Ward Received Received
  P-1749 Helping autistic adults Nazish Hashmi Received Received
  P-1750 Mental health clothing bank - adDressing the issue Louisa Ward Received Received
  P-1751 An Audit into the Management of Diabetes Mellitus at Broadmoor Hospital Elliott Carthy Received Received
  P-1754 COVID-19 Antibody Seroprevalence in Residential Psychiatric Inpatients Sheena Shah Received Received
  P-1755 Suicidality in patients with bipolar depression: findings from a lower middle-income country Siqi Xue Received Received
  P-1756 Improving attitudes towards the COVID-19 vaccine in forensic mental health workers: a quality improvement project Harrison Howarth Received Received
  P-1757 Communication in COVID: a quality improvement project into staff communication with family/carers at New Haven Older Adult Mental Health Inpatient Unit Felicity Jones Received Received
  P-1762 Maternal stress in pregnancy and child autism spectrum disorder: evaluating putative causal associations using a genetically informed design Mohamed Essam Gamil Abdelrazek Received Received
  P-1763 Coping with and management of COVID 19 restrictions within the secure and forensic inpatient setting - a patients and carers perspective Syed Ali Received Received
  P-1764 A new handover protocol between old age admission and rehab wards Aileen Carmen Received Received
  P-1766 Improving physical health form completion on a general inpatient adult ward Brandon Wong Received Received
  P-1771 Psychiatric presentations in acute illness with COVID-19: a retrospective analysis Elizabeth Nelmes Received Received
  P-1772 Impact of mental health and addiction NIMHANS ECHO on primary care physicians: study from a rural state of India Shabinabegam A M Sheth Received Received
  P-1773 Assessing the impact of an Integrated Psychological Medicine Service (IPMS) on healthcare utilisation Sarah Harvey Received Received
  P-1774 GASS-tly side effects: antipsychotic monitoring for inpatients across NHS Lanarkshire Sigurdur Hammond Received Received
  P-1776 Research into psychiatry trainees views around the impact COVID-19 has had on the provision of electroconvulsive therapy training. Cara Webb Received Received
  P-1777 Assessing the compliance of accurately documenting medication history in CAMHS completion of the audit cycle Laura Guest Received Received
  P-1778 Before writing that script: use of antipsychotic medication in patients with dementia in a CMHTOA Adaora Obiekezie Received Received
  P-1780 Quality network for eating disorders community branch: initial year Jessica Butler Received Received
  P-1781 HappyMaps: a single hub of resources on children and young peoples mental health for parents and professionals Georgina Griffiths Received Received
  P-1784 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on symptom subtypes of obsessive-compulsive disorder: a cross-sectional study Athanasios Hassoulas Received Received
  P-1785 Supporting mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: implementation of an e-guide Athanasios Hassoulas Received Received
  P-1786 A National CASC course Yathooshan Ramesh Received Received
  P-1787 Generalized anxiety disorder among diabetic patients visiting gharyan-polyclinic in Libya during COVID 19 pandemic Ahmed Khrwat Received Received
  P-1788 Impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of healthcare workers in different regions of the world Mahfuja Islam Received Received
  P-1789 Impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of healthcare workers in different regions of the world Mahfuja Islam Received Received
  P-1790 Innovating in CMHTs: Mental Health Wellbeing Group Visits Samuel Mammolotti Parkinson Received Received
  P-1793 Trends in Clozapine levels in service users infected with COVID-19Analysis from Ardenleigh Hospital: medium security womens forensic facility Amandeep Chumber Received Received
  P-1794 Factor structure of medical students attitudes towards psychiatry: findings from a nationally representative sample from Sri Lanka Anuradha Baminiwatta Received Received
  P-1796 A natural language processing approach to modelling treatment alliance in psychotherapy transcripts Jihan Ryu Received Received
  P-1800 An audit of risk assessments and management for self-harm and suicide in patients with depressive symptoms at a primary care practice in the UK Win Let Oo Received Received
  P-1802 Audit on resuscitation equipment in Carseview Centre (NHS Tayside) Thomas Leung Received Received
  P-1804 Counting ECGs in acute psychiatry -- The patients price for junior doctors rotations Marianna Rogowska Received Received
  P-1805 An evaluation of barriers to the initiation of clozapine in patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia Declan Hyland Received Received
  P-1806 Reflections on a persons experience of mental illness: an innovative teaching pilot for second-year medical students George Blanchard Received Received
  P-1807 Improving venous thromboembolism risk assessments on an older age psychiatric ward a complete audit cycle Syazana JD Received Received
  P-1808 The experience of patient dropout from eating disorders treatment: a systematic review and qualitative synthesis Cecilia Vinchenzo Received Received
  P-1810 Contribution of birth weight to mental health, cognitive, and socioeconomic outcomes: a two-sample Mendelian randomisation Massimiliano Orri Received Received
  P-1816 The utility of the Brief Edinburgh Depression Scale (BEDS) in assessing severity of depression in advanced cancer patients Zeryab Meyer Received Received
  P-1818 Audit of antipsychotic prescribing and monitoring for the management of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia Catrin Thomas Received Received
  P-1819 Exploring determinants of self-management in adults with severe mental illness: a qualitative evidence synthesis Claire Carswell Received Received
  P-1822 Improving access to mental health services for homeless people in Torbay Tom Scott-Gatty Received Received
  P-1823 Edu-couch-ing the masses: an online, multi-disciplinary psychiatry teaching programme Chiara Cattra Received Received
  P-1825 An audit on consent to treatment within forensic inpatient units at the Newsam Centre Stephanie Velential Received Received
  P-1830 The effects of the first wave of the COVID 19 pandemic on the presentation of adolescents to acute mental health services in NHS Lanarkshire Youstina Nagiub Received Received
  P-1831 To identify errors in prescribing practice in an inpatient psychiatric unit and improve compliance with Mental Health Commission of Ireland regulations relating to prescribing Kate Corrigan Received Received
  P-1833 In-situ child and adolescent mental health simulation with human factors feedback delivered by airline pilots Mumtaz Mooncey Received Received
  P-1835 Vive la difference Celebrating and supporting autistic psychiatrists with autistic doctors international Sue McCowan Received Received
  P-1837 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on referrals to liaison psychiatry services at University Hospital Hairmyres, NHS Lanarkshire Cristina Paton Received Received
  P-1840 A community service review of the quality of inpatient discharge summaries from six inpatient wards at St Charles Hospital: an initial audit and quality improvement recommendations Omar Mahmoud Received Received
  P-1842 Training foundation doctors in mental health risk assessment as a tool in the fight against suicide Jeorghino Lodge Received Received
  P-1844 Audit on structure of assessment for remote consultation during COVID-19 pandemic Astha Das Received Received
  P-1846 Balint in the time of COVID-19: participant and facilitator experience of virtual Balint groups compared with in-person Sheliza Samnani Received Received
  P-1847 Is attachment style in early childhood associated with mental health difficulties in late adolescence? Philippa Clery Received Received
  P-1848 Use and understanding of functional cognitive disorder terminology in United Kingdom clinical practice - a survey Alexandra Nash Received Received
  P-1850 Do Junior Doctors feel confident using Emergency Detention Certificates? Sarah Wordie Received Received
  P-1851 Perinatal OCD and breastfeeding: a clinicians guide to prescribing Dr Chrishanthy Grace Jayarajah Received Received
  P-1854 Patient experience of telemedicine in addictions Soraya Mayet Received Received
  P-1855 North West London New Model of Care Project (NMOC) improving inpatient mental health care for children and young people Braulio Girela-Serrano Received Received
  P-1856 Investigating Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (TDCS) in obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD): a double-blind, sham-controlled, cross-over randomised trial Eduardo Cinosi Received Received
  P-1859 Addiction service changes due to COVID-19 Shumaila Shahbaz Received Received
  P-1860 Exploring the relationship between anxiety, depression and wellbeing in doctors: a national cross-sectional survey and interviews Emma Boxlry Received Received
  P-1861 Working in the woodlands: a mixed methods evaluation of Green Care in first episode psychosis Harriet Sharp Received Received
  P-1862 Anxiety levels among health care workers within Irish mental health services during COVID-19: a survey Ibrahim Elimam Received Received
  P-1863 Impact of online group studying for the MRCPsych A exam amongst international doctors logging-in from 7 countries Praveen Kumar Received Received
  P-1866 Impact of COVID-19 on psychiatric services and presentations in North-West Edinburgh Douglas Murdie Received Received
  P-1868 Prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress disorders among medical students in Alexandria Faculty of Medicine during COVID-19 pandemic Hanan Hemead Received Received
  P-1869 The use of coproduction to inform an evidence-based service delivery model for mental health service users with complex needs Pooja Saini Received Received
  P-1871 Evaluation of paediatric liaison psychiatry services in England 2015-2019 Declan Hines Received Received
  P-1872 Staff survey on using the new clinical risk assessment framework for teams (CRAFT) tool Pamela Swift Received Received
  P-1873 A prescription of information promoting symptom self-management in people with functional neurological disorder (FND) Hashim Dadah Received Received
  P-1875 Triple chronotherapy for the rapid treatment and maintenance of response in depressed outpatients: a feasibility and pilot randomised controlled trial David Veale Received Received
  P-1876 Anticonvulsants and Antipsychotics for treating Anxiety and Depressive symptoms in people with Alcohol Use Disorder: a systematic review Ka Yee Chow Received Received
  P-1877 Supporting general adult psychiatry higher trainees to develop research competencies: a training improvement project Annalie Clark Received Received
  P-1878 Improving access to the physical health clinic in a community first-episode psychosis service Wei Han Lim Received Received
  P-1882 COVID-19 and young people with intellectual disability: a service review Omer Minhas Received Received
  P-1883 Polypharmacy and potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) in older adults referred to a memory clinic Anietie Akpan Received Received
  P-1884 Its a risky business: use of the QCovid risk calculator in a psychiatric rehabilitation population to enhance prevention Jinal Patel Received Received
  P-1886 A systematic review to evaluate the effectiveness of mental health literacy interventions implemented in schools and communities in low- and middle- income countries Niamh McGuckin Received Received
  P-1887 A systematic review of comparative time to all cause discontinuation of antipsychotic medications in first episode psychosis Alice Brooke Received Received
  P-1888 Exploring unusual bodily experiences, basic self disturbances and multimodal hallucinations in the non-clinical population: a cross-sectional study Lucretia Thomas Received Received
  P-1890 The challenges of delivering addictions psychiatry teaching in the COVID era Rebecca Hammersley Received Received
  P-1891 Characterising a cohort of patients referred to a liaison psychiatry service from the Intensive Care Unit Jennifer Hanks Received Received
  P-1892 Factors associated with mental health outcomes among medical residents exposed to COVID-19 Mohamed Adil Shah Khoodoruth Received Received
  P-1893 Cardiovascular risk quantification using QRISK-3 score in people with intellectual disability Jamie Sin Ying Ho Received Received
  P-1894 Redesigning community care for safer staff and patient experiences: quality improvement project to improve safety and reduce incidents of violence and aggression in a community mental health team Sarah Saxena Received Received
  P-1896 The neurobiology of attachment and the influence of psychotherapy: a literature review Graziella Romano Received Received
  P-1897 Constipation and clozapine: a QI project in Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust, (LPT) Daniel Kinnair Received Received
  P-1898 An audit of liaison service provision in Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Jennifer Rankin Received Received
  P-1900 The use of antipsychotic polypharmacy at Ravenswood House Medium Secure Unit: the extent of use and reporting of outcomes Laura Cherrington Received Received
  P-1901 Pilot study of the use of handheld 6-lead ECG for patients on acute general adult mental health wards who refuse traditional 12-lead ECG Paul M Briley Received Received
  P-1903 Why is hitting A&E time targets so hard?: using Nudge theory and modelling to improve response times Kaj Svedberg Received Received
  P-1904 Audit of ADHD medication prescription and monitoring in intellectual disability services, Greater Glasgow & Clyde Neha Bansal Received Received
  P-1907 Audit of Venous thromboembolism (VTE) Risk Assessment completion at Abraham Cowley Unit (ACU), Farnham Road Hospital and West Park Hospital between May 2018-October 2020 Harriet Powell Received Received
  P-1908 A meta-ethnographic review of peoples experience of seeking asylum in the UK and its impact on psychological and social wellbeing Christine Fullerton Received Received
  P-1910 Audit on clozapine dose and plasma level correlation for patients with chronic treatment-resistant psychosis Olivia Macnamara Received Received
  P-1911 Transition from child and adolescent mental health services to adult mental health services: children in care and adopted children Paula Adamopoulos Received Received
  P-1913 Off-license use of clozapine in patients with emotionally unstable personality disorder: a case series analysis Declan Hyland Received Received
  P-1915 Length of hospital stays in patients with psychosis before and after starting on Lurasidone Uyen Nguyen Received Received
  P-1917 Experiences of people seen in an acute hospital setting by liaison mental health services: responses from an online survey Daniel Romeu Received Received
  P-1918 Prevalence of psychosocial distress in school going adolescents in rural Pakistan: findings from a cross-sectional epidemiological survey Syed Usman Hamdani Received Received
  P-1919 Relationship between bullying victimisation and post-traumatic stress disorder among public junior secondary school students in Abeokuta, Nigeria Sewanu Awhangansi Received Received
  P-1920 Audit: lithium monitoring for psychiatric inpatients and community patients during the initiation phase Damodar Chari Received Received
  P-1921 Peer mentoring in Psychiatry: a trainee-led initiative Zoe Moore Received Received
  P-1924 The Safety Conversation: developing a trustwide safety conference at CNWL during a pandemic Emily Duncan Received Received
  P-1927 Aripiprazole as a risk factor for impulse control disorders: a systematic review Benjamin Williams Received Received
  P-1928 Evaluation of a specialist service model for treating body dysmorphic disorder (BDD): application of National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence Guidelines for BDD (NICE, 2006) Anusha Govender Received Received
  P-1931 Driving Digitisation of the Workforce. Junior doctors digital devices rollout at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust: an early review of uptake, usage and effects Tharun Zacharia Received Received
  P-1932 Creating a virtual, clinical scenario based teaching programme for foundation doctors in Leeds David Hall Received Received
  P-1935 The Staff Mental Health Service in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough: A new model for assessment and treatment of healthcare workers in the context of Covid-19 pandemic Muzaffer Kaser Received Received
  P-1936 An assessment of referrals to a liaison psychiatry team within a large district general hospital Completing the Cycle Ivan Shanley Received Received
  P-1938 Is it possible to use research to learn psychiatry from scratch: a reflective self-study of a pre-clinical year medical student Jashan Selvakumar Received Received
  P-1942 How do people with dementia present to the services, and why do they present late? A descriptive study in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Sri Lanka Malsha Gunathilake Received Received
  P-1943 An Audit into the Management of COVID-19 at Broadmoor Hospital Elliott Carthy Received Received
  P-1944 Evaluation of physical health assessments for new admissions to the Oleaster during the first wave of COVID-19 Erin Lawson-Smith Received Received
  P-1946 Before the light fades, who blows the whistle? : a narrative review on sports dementia Olusegun Sodiya Received Received
  P-1947 Monitoring lithium therapy in a CMHRS during the Covid 19 pandemic Katherine Gardner Received Received
  P-1948 Comparison of self-esteem and depression among fertile and infertile women Ruth Akani Received Received
  P-1951 Evaluation of a Mental Health First Aid Workshop for Healthcare Professionals Sara Abou Sherif Received Received
  P-1953 Responding to serious incidences in the Southwark Home Treatment Team during the COVID-19 pandemic Simon Ruffell Received Received
  P-1954 Prolong psychosis preceding cognitive and motor symptoms; an unusual presentation in Huntingtons disease Nida Khan Received Received
  P-1956 Stigma towards psychiatry: correlating personal experience with existing literature Jack Blake Received Received
  P-1957 Investigating the association between depressive disorders and cerebral haemodynamics Tamara Chithiramohan Received Received
  P-1958 Coping with a modern pandemic-an online survey of Anesthesiologists in India during COVID19 Punitha Chockalingam Received Received
  P-1960 Appropriateness of referrals to Whiston hospital Mental Health Liaison Services Nick Strouther Received Received
  P-1962 The feasibility and acceptability of a peer-support group for mental health in Filipino prisons Bethany Platford Received Received
  P-1963 High dose antipsychotic therapy (HDAT) prescibing practice within the south trafford community mental health team Oli Sparasci Received Received
  P-1966 Exploring student thoughts and perception of videos as a learning resource Gianluca Di Pasqua Received Received
  P-1967 Lets get moving Improving physical activity amongst rehabilitation patients; a quality improvement project Ruth Rowland Received Received
  P-1969 The psychiatry virtual-on-call experience: Can it improve confidence of foundation and GP trainees with out-of-hours work in psychiatry? Charlotte Harrison Received Received
  P-1970 Developing a differential attainment e-learning course for consultants who supervise trainees within Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust Bani Kahai Received Received
  P-1971 Views of medical educators on virtual teaching methods and curriculum changes within an undergraduate psychiatry rotation during the Covid-19 pandemic a quality improvement project Ellen Williams Received Received
  P-1972 Case report: patient with COVID-19 presenting with first psychotic episode Georgia Bacharaki Received Received
  P-1973 An analysis of outcome measures in a specialist inpatient eating disorders unit in Aberdeen: changes since 2015 and response to the COVID-19 lockdown Emma Cross Received Received
  P-1976 Education for corrections officers to better meet the mental health needs of inmates Shaheen Darani Received Received
  P-1977 Improving quality of remote mental health consultations during COVID-19 phoebe collins Received Received
  P-1980 The impact of covid-19 on an inpatient mother and baby unit: a service evaluation Joanna Cranshaw Received Received
  P-1981 Psychiatric liaison referrals and the 4PM Rush Kaj Svedberg Received Received
  P-1985 Opportunistic completion of the 9 diabetic care processes during inpatient admission to a mental health hospital: an audit of local practice Chad Brooker-Thompson Received Received
  P-1986 Provision of training for accommodation providers in the London Borough of Hackney results of a scoping exercise and educational session pilot Kate Aldersey Received Received
  P-1988 Core Trainees study budget and study leave: a survey exploring trainees needs and understanding of local processes in place within the North West Chirag Shroff Received Received
  P-1991 CAMHS Emergency Assessment Service (EAS): development & implementation during the COVID-19 crisis Tania Saour Received Received
  P-1992 Battered woman syndrome and PTSD in women who kill their abusing partner: a study in medical jurisprudence sharmilaa lagunathan Received Received
  P-1993 Clozapine & constipation: an audit of bowel habit monitoring and laxative prescribing in inpatients on clozapine Holly Boyd Received Received
  P-1996 Admission patterns in a psychiatric intensive care unit in Ireland: a longitudinal follow up Shaeraine Raaj Received Received
  P-1997 Preconception interventions and resources for women with serious mental illness: a rapid evidence review KATIE ATMORE Received Received
  P-1998 Pregnancy audit in the PATH (Psychosis Prevention, Assessment and Treatment in Hertfordshire) early intervention in psychosis service Jessica Kershaw Received Received
  P-2001 Planning effective mental healthcare in prisons: findings from a national consultation on the care programme approach in prisons Kate Townsend Received Received
  P-2003 Experiences of psychiatrists assessing under 18s on an all age rota. An evaluation of the current service Nicoleta Clarisa Turtoi Received Received
  P-2007 The organization of a mental health phoneline in Buenos Aires City: its role to minimize the impact of mental health services disruption amidst COVID 19 pandemic David Gutnisky Received Received
  P-2009 High-dose olanzapine in treatment resistant schizophrenia. A case report and literature review. Ciara Clarke Received Received
  P-2010 QI project: Improving the discharge advice from functional old age psychiatry wards for the monitoring of lithium and antipsychotic medication in the community Amy Mathews Received Received
  P-2011 Experience of tele-psychiatry during COVID19 amongst doctors working in a mental health trust A survey Pallavi Chandra Received Received
  P-2012 A Narrative Review of the Pharmacological Management of Psychosis in Alzheimers Disease Alexander Matthews Received Received
  P-2013 Mariposa House Service Evaluation Project & Co-Production: New Womens NHS Forensic Community Step-Down Hostel Mandip Jheeta Received Received
  P-2014 A framework for nurturing doctors: systematic review of wellbeing interventions in medical students Elinor Rhian Bradley Received Received
  P-2015 Obsessive compulsive disorder in treatment seeking children & adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic Anthony Henein Received Received
  P-2016 COVID-19 pandemic moral injury in healthcare professionals: a systematic review Verity Williams Received Received
  P-2017 A Quality Improvement Project to address Communication and Safety Concerns from the On-Call team at the Bethlem Royal Hospital through the introduction of Weekend Safety Huddles Helen Allis Received Received
  P-2020 Prevalence of orthorexia nervosa in a sample of patients attending Sligo/Leitrim mental health services with a diagnosis of eating disorder Ignazio Graffeo Received Received
  P-2022 Manualising the induction of higher trainees in psychiatry for North Wales: The CiSGC Guide (Croeso i Seiciatreg Gogledd Cymru) Jawad Raja Received Received
  P-2023 Mental health training for correctional officers - a systematic review Shaheen Darani Received Received
  P-2024 Placebo response in treatment resistant depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis of multiple treatment modalities Brett Jones Received Received
  P-2027 Attitude and knowledge about electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) among medical students in Nepal: a pilot survey Suresh Thapaliya Received Received
  P-2028 Innovative psychiatry medical education initiative: empowering and supervising trainees for future teaching in psychiatry training program establishment in Somaliland Jibril I.M Handuleh Received Received
  P-2031 Developing a dashboard for use in a forensic and intensive care psychiatric unit: a quality improvement project Keara Jamieson Received Received
  P-2034 Profile, referral pathways and re-attendance of psychiatric patients attending the emergency department: focus on suicidality & self-harm Haridha Pandian Received Received
  P-2037 An evaluation of the Royal College of Psychiatrists Psych Star scheme Declan Hyland Received Received
  P-2038 Improving baseline and follow-up physical health monitoring when commencing oral antipsychotics Nathan Mitchell Received Received
  P-2042 The impact of psychiatry school on attitudes towards psychiatry in medical students and junior doctors in Pakistan Sanaa Moledina Received Received
  P-2043 Evaluation of staff knowledge; attitudes and experience of breastfeeding on a mother and baby unit Patrick Britto Received Received
  P-2047 Tics induced by promethazine in an adolescent: a case report Fiyinfoluwa Akinsiku Received Received
  P-2051 A study to improve the quality of writing clinic letters to patients attending the outpatient clinic Irangani Mudiyanselage Received Received
  P-2052 Dissection of neuroinflammation in schizophrenia Fizah Muratib Received Received
  P-2053 Self-harm on a specialist adult eating disorder unit: a retrospective cohort study of patient characteristics and outcomes Leah Holm-Mercer Received Received
  P-2055 Where is my sample? Investigating pre-analytical pathology sampling errors in a psychiatric hospital Emma Scholes-Pearson Received Received
  P-2056 Fruit and vegetable intake among psychiatric inpatients: an electronic health record-based study Adelaide Yue Received Received
  P-2057 Patient Experience Survey For Community Drug and Alcohol Service Users In Hospitals Nurul Yahya Received Received
  P-2059 Management of emotionally unstable personality disorder in an urban Irish setting Calvin Har Siu Yee Received Received
  P-2062 Perception of junior doctors about local induction in Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust - A quality improvement project Saima Jehanzeb Received Received
  P-2063 Pregnant opioid-using patients given injectable long acting buprenorphine (Buvidal CAM2038) case reports from the successful Welsh pandemic rollout Laura Pearson Received Received
  P-2065 Monitoring side-effects of antipsychotics using the glasgow antipsychotic side-effect scale James Sterritt Received Received
  P-2066 Lost between the interface of physical and mental health: focus groups exploring liaison psychiatry staffs perception about working during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust Saima Jehanzeb Received Received
  P-2069 An audit of waiting times in the outpatient clinic in Inverness Sector A NHS Highland during the COVID - 19 pandemic. Oksana Zinchenko Received Received
  P-2071 Different onset patterns of monthly paliperidone palmitate in hospitalised patient diagnosed with schizophrenia Javier Herrera Sanchez Received Received
  P-2073 Monitoring and investigation of tachycardia in patients receiving clozapine therapy; a quality improvement project Poppy Graham Received Received
  P-2075 Can probiotics benefit young people with autism spectrum disorders? Pooja Ramani Received Received
  P-2076 The impact of first COVID-19 peak on patient referrals to Liaison Psychiatry Service and staff perception about service provision in Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Trust Birmingham - a service evaluation project Saima Jehanzeb Received Received
  P-2079 Patient factors associated with the use of psychotropic polypharmacy in patients under the care of a community mental health team in the West of Ireland Karthika Srikumar Received Received
  P-2080 PERCEIVE Patterning Employment, Race, and Clinical Experience In Violence against Employees Ben McClure Received Received
  P-2081 The Kynurenine Pathway in Schizophrenia: Time to Reconsider its Role? Ayush Malhotra Received Received
  P-2083 Racial representation of psychological services in a London male remand prison Joshua Covey Received Received
  P-2084 A quality improvement project to increase patient feedback in the psychotherapy department, Tavistock Clinic Avgoustina Almyroudi Received Received
  P-2087 An evaluation of the incorporation of psychological interventions into the care of patients with a diagnosis of emotionally unstable personality disorder following admission to the general adult inpatient setting Declan Hyland Received Received
  P-2088 An audit to look at the prescribing of psychotropic medication in the general adult inpatient setting in patients with emotionally unstable personality disorder Declan Hyland Received Received
  P-2089 The Impact of COVID-19 Restrictions on the Presentation of Self-injury: Experience at a Tertiary Care Centre Tobias Adams Received Received
  P-2091 Microsoft teams virtual handover system Mohit Mohan Received Received
  P-2092 Staffs perspectives on physical activity in acute mental health general adult wards Nikoletta Lekka Received Received
  P-2095 Landscape of childhood and adolescent depression in Pakistan: experience from a tertiary care hospital in Karachi, Pakistan Maria Khan Received Received
  P-2097 School mental health best practices institute; capacity building of teachers in mental health literacy in Pakistan Maria Khan Received Received
  P-2099 Pharmacological interventions for improving cannabis use and psychosis in dual diagnosis: a systematic review Arundeep Singh Bharj Received Received
  P-2101 Assessing the quality of risk assessment conducted for new psychiatry inpatients Nikhita Handa Received Received
  P-2102 Virtual balint group experience due to the COVID-19 pandemic Rebecca Brown Received Received
  P-2103 COVID and early intervention: the impact of COVID-19 on referrals to an early intervention service Adam Whyte Received Received
  P-2104 Remote Mock OSCE (ReMO): The new normal? Rachel Brown Received Received
  P-2105 A UK-wide survey of Balint, support groups and psychotherapy training opportunities for SAS (Specialty Doctors and Associate Specialists) Psychiatrists Alina Vaida Received Received
  P-2106 Management of inappropriate sexual behaviour in frontotemporal dementia: a case study Stefan McKenzie Received Received
  P-2107 Quality Improvement Project on patients capacity to treatment assessment and documentation on the relevant RiO (patients electronic record) section for patients admitted to Ogura ward, Goodmayes Hospital, North East London Foundation Trust, UK Khurshid Tabassum Received Received
  P-2108 A survey on psychiatry trainees experiences of racism Aicha Rais Received Received
  P-2109 Prevalence and associated factors of antenatal depression of women attending antenatal clinics in two tertiary care maternity hospitals in Sri Lanka Chathurie Suraweera Received Received
  P-2111 On-line memory clinic piloting a hybrid model Rahul Tomar Received Received
  P-2115 A quality improvement project for cardiometabolic risk monitoring and management in a home treatment team Cressida Sparrow Received Received
  P-2116 Safeguarding Adults with Incapacity: a closed loop review of documents assessing capacity and treatment needs Tereza Hoggard Received Received
  P-2117 The introduction of electronic prescribing in the Orchard clinic-a QI project Hannah Sayeed Received Received
  P-2118 An audit of lithium prescribing practices in an old age psychiatry service highlighting renal impairment in this cohort Leia Valentine Received Received
  P-2119 Psychosis in youth in Singapore: a case series Pei Ling Lim Received Received
  P-2120 Old age liaison psychiatry : audit assessing adherence to referral pathway and referral characteristics including indications, interventions and outcomes Alfred Wong Received Received
  P-2121 An analytical cross-sectional study to describe and compare the mental health status of doctors and medical undergraduates in ed institutions in Colombo, Sri Lanka during COVID-19 pandemic Chathurie Suraweera Received Received
  P-2123 Immersive psychiatry simulation: a novel course for medical student training Kenneth Ruddock Received Received
  P-2125 Preparing students for psychiatry OSCEs in the COVID-19 pandemic. How can PsychSocs help? Isabella Conti Received Received
  P-2126 Prevalence and associations of psychoactive substance use among male supportive staff members in a tertiary care hospital of Sri Lanka Chathurie Suraweera Received Received
  P-2127 Depression, perceived stress, social support, substance use and related sociodemographic risk factors in medical school residents in Nairobi, Kenya Sayed Shah Nur Hussein Received Received
  P-2128 Diabetes and liaison psychiatry: the characteristics of patients with diabetes referred to a liaison psychiatry service in London Alexandra Simpson Received Received
  P-2130 Predictors of cognitive, behavioural and academic difficulties in NF1 Kavitha Chinnappa Ramamurthy Received Received
  P-2131 The introduction of regular group reflective practice sessions for junior doctors in a critical care setting during the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic a Pilot Itunuayo Ayeni Received Received
  P-2132 What can be found in the spam folder? a self-study from junior researchers in psychiatry Nikhil Gauri Shankar Received Received
  P-2134 Improving patient access to medication information: a quality improvement project on patient-centred prescribing Anna Todd Received Received
  P-2136 Bedside teaching: an invaluable tool in undergraduate medical education Kenneth Ruddock Received Received
  P-2137 Assessement of a structured technological support intervention on uptake of video consultations Tejas Kotwal Received Received
  P-2138 Polypharmacy and potentially inappropriate medications (PIMS) in older adults referred to a Liaison Psychiatry Service Anietie Akpan Received Received
  P-2139 Representation of CAMHS on social media platform TikTok Preetisha Chadee Received Received
  P-2140 Longterm cognitive dysfunction in paediatric brain tumour survivors - the need for multifactorial risk screening Ashy Rengit Received Received
  P-2141 The diagnosis and management of adult ADHD in HMP Elmley, a Category B remand prison Kathleen McCurdy Received Received
  P-2142 A retrospective observational study of vitamin D levels in patients within the Tameside and Glossop early intervention in psychosis team Emily Kaye Received Received
  P-2143 Facilitated early discharge in Wandsworth Twaisha Kapoor Received Received
  P-2144 Long admission waiting list at the Orchard clinic-why? Hannah Sayeed Received Received
  P-2145 How effective is clinical simulation in improving medical students confidence when interviewing patients with mental health problems?: a comparison of pre-COVID and post-COVID medical student experiences Philippa Mitchell Received Received
  P-2147 Audit on availability, quality and frequency of clincal and educational supervision Gayathri Gnanasekaram Received Received
  P-2148 Predicting risks of physical health deterioration in a place of safety Alex Berry Received Received
  P-2151 Physical Health Simulation Based Education (SBE) for psychiatrists in the first COVID-19 wave: improving the competence and confidence of the medical workforce Craig McEwan Received Received
  P-2152 Bridging the Gap: Improving Liaison Psychiatry communication and documentation to meet the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD) Treat as One recommendations at Newcastle Hospitals David Ou Received Received
  P-2153 Responding to a pandemic with Simulation Based Education (SBE)? Sharing lessons learned from Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust (SPFT) Craig McEwan Received Received
  P-2154 Physical morbidity and mortality in male adolescent anorexia: a scoping review Craig McEwan Received Received
  P-2157 A National Cross-sectional Survey and Interviews Exploring the Relationship Between Wellbeing and Burnout in Doctors John Jenkins Received Received
  P-2159 A rare case of a patient with resistant schizophrenia who hears a voice reading the texts instead of being read in her mind Thilini Nanayakkara Received Received
  P-2160 Recruiting medical students from underrepresented backgrounds to a project to identify support challenges amongst their peers whilst encouraging early career engagement in psychiatry Heather McAdam Received Received
  P-2162 Virtual clinical examinations: are they the new normal? Mahmoud Barakat Received Received
  P-2163 Improving Cardiometabolic Health Assessments and Interventions at St Charles Hospital, London Mehtab Rahman Received Received
  P-2165 Comparison of hospitalizations in patients on first generation versus second generation long acting injectable (LAI) antipsychotics Seemab Rasool Received Received
  P-2167 Improving the confidence and competence of junior doctors in conducting seclusion reviews Mostafa Shalaby Received Received
  P-2168 Are patients self-referring to Lewisham Community Wellbeing (LCW) when advised to do so by the assessment and liaison psychiatry team? Thileepan Thevarajan Received Received
  P-2172 The impact of the March 2020 lockdown on the cardiometabolic risk factors of male forensic and rehabilitation patients Nicholas Dodough Received Received
  P-2174 Preliminary investigation into the identification and management of catatonia in patients admitted to adult inpatient units Joanna Moore Received Received
  P-2176 Motivators and deterrents in choosing a career in psychiatry; making the most of psychiatry school events Nosheen Kazmi Received Received
  P-2178 Benefits observed in an inpatient MDT programme for FND are not associated with medication use or previous therapies Thomas Elliott Received Received
  P-2179 Reducing levels of Violence in the Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) - a multidisciplinary Quality Improvement project Zoe Moore Received Received
  P-2180 Digital frontiers in international psychiatric recruitment: the lessons of the Northwest School of Psychiatry careers event November 2020 Catarina Rodrigues dos Santos Received Received
  P-2181 Reducing the use of oral psychotropic PRN medication in acute mental health inpatients Zoe Moore Received Received
  P-2183 A review of patients discharged from Shannon Clinic- are shorter stays in secure hospitals associated with poorer patient outcomes? Amy Grimason Received Received
  P-2184 The hidden cost of not having a dual diagnosis team (an audit looking at inpatient admissions for Redbridge Community Recovery Team West) Madeeha Bandukda Received Received
  P-2186 Improving quality and assessment of referrals to the Enfield Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Team (ECRHTT) Margarita Kousteni Received Received
  P-2188 A preliminary study into the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) scores of patients with obsessive compulsive disorder Claire Fischer Received Received
  P-2190 Bowel monitoring in psychiatry of old age: a quality improvement project Alistair Cowie Received Received
  P-2191 The efficiency of the medical role within a Single Point of Access (SPA) Service in reducing the number of clinic appointments required Anca Bradu Received Received
  P-2193 Psychopathology and cognitive deficits in young people exposed to complex trauma Stephanie J Lewis Received Received
  P-2194 Compliance to completion of sodium valproate annual risk acknowledgement form among women of child-bearing age prescribed sodium valproate in the intellectual disability (ID) services of an NHS trust Victor Ohize Received Received
  P-2196 Psychiatric liaison referrals: a thematic analysis during peak COVID-19 Kaj Svedberg Received Received
  P-2197 Psychological impact of Covid -19 pandemic on frontline health care workers in Bangladesh: A cross-sectional study Suman Ahmed Received Received
  P-2199 Telemedicine in addictions feasibility RCT staff and patient qualitative satisfaction Dominic Treloar Received Received
  P-2200 Improving the physical healthcare of COVID-19 patients in inpatient psychiatric settings Marissa Lewis Received Received
  P-2203 Investigation and management of vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency in acute adult psychiatric admissions: a clinical audit Daniel Romeu Received Received
  P-2205 Audit examining memantine initiation in dementia patients in an older adult service in the north west Chirag Shroff Received Received
  P-2206 Prevalence and correlates of depression and quality of life among primary caregivers of patients with schizophrenia attending a Nigerian Tertiary Hospital AKINLOYE AKINFALA Received Received
  P-2207 Age-related changes in physiology in individuals with lifetime bipolar disorder Julian Mutz Received Received
  P-2209 Audit of Documentation of Observations on Mental Health Services for Older People (MHSOP) Wards Following Implementation of Nervecentre Nitya Rathi Received Received
  P-2210 VTE prophylaxis admission assessment full cycle audit and QI project Krystyna Drewniak Received Received
  P-2211 Service evaluation project: the effects of healthy weight commissioning for quality and innovation (CQUIN) interventions on metabolic parameters of service users in a medium secure forensic ward Elena Fage Received Received
  P-2213 The emerging role of acceptance and commitment therapy as a way to treat trauma and stressor related disorders Gisela Simes Received Received
  P-2216 Reducing admission time to Broadmoor High Secure Hospital - a retrospective case review Maria Vittoria Capanna Received Received
  P-2217 The Malaysian Northern Stars (supervision, training, and reflective system) project: a multi-facet ecosystem of producing local talents Noor Melissa Nor Hadi Received Received
  P-2220 Transfer and transition referrals of patients with intellectual disability from childrens services to adult community learning disability teams Jalil-Ahmad Sharif Received Received
  P-2223 Improving physical health assessment of old age inpatients on the Oaks Acute Admission Ward Karen Aus Received Received
  P-2224 Differential attainment in undergraduate medical education: a systematic review Abhishek Gupta Received Received
  P-2226 Improving patient waiting times and quality of care by arranging access to notes from a neighbouring trust Georgios Basdanis Received Received
  P-2227 Annual physical health checks within a forensic inpatient service Michael Cooper Received Received
  P-2228 Prevalence and correlates of common mental health problems and recent suicidal behaviour among female sex workers in Nairobi, Kenya: findings from the Maisha Fiti study Alicja Beksinska Received Received
  P-2229 The blues, and an almost shocking surprise - Unexpected PE in a catatonic patient, who almost had ECT Michael Cheah Received Received
  P-2230 An audit during COVID-19: monitoring of CMHT-patient contact and physical health assessments in a rural Welsh setting Shreya Jauhari Received Received
  P-2233 Self-Guided CCaRM Programme-Complex Case and Recovery Management Framework (The CCaRM)- A Response to the Covid-19 UK Lockdown in March 2020-A Quality Improvement Project SYEDA HASAN Received Received
  P-2234 The use of drama and theatre in enhancing communication skills of psychiatry trainees: a pilot study Laura Stevenson Received Received
  P-2236 Evaluation of self-esteem in adolescents of secondary school level FARHANA BEGUM Received Received
  P-2237 Lifetime depression and age-related changes in body composition, cardiovascular function, grip strength and lung function: sex-specific analyses in the UK Biobank Julian Mutz Received Received
  P-2238 Trends in referrals to liaison psychiatry teams from UK emergency departments for patients over 65 Sarah Bradbury Received Received
  P-2239 Psychiatric liaison team memory pathway: does it achieve the standards set out in NICE clinical guideline 97? Manouri Senaratne Received Received
  P-2241 Hyponatraemia monitoring in those prescribed antidepressants - an audit from an inpatient older adult ward Lorena Chavez Received Received
  P-2245 An audit to assess whether patients under the care of a community mental health team who are taking clozapine are having their lipid profile checked annually and are given lifestyle advice and have had a QRISK3 assessment Elisabeth Linley-Adams Received Received
  P-2246 Understanding the knowledge-based practices and attitudes towards common infectious diseases among adult UAE population Hamid Alhaj Received Received
  P-2247 Evaluating participant experience in Balint online sessions held during the COVID19 pandemic lessons learnt and moving forward Nikhita Handa Received Received
  P-2248 Improving experiences of transgender patients in inpatient services through a ward based staff training program Noah Stanton Received Received
  P-2249 Assessing wellbeing in foundation doctors during the Covid pandemic Nikhita Handa Received Received
  P-2250 Reducing fatigue-related symptoms in Long COVID-19: finding an intervention that works Adrian Heald Received Received
  P-2251 Quality improvement project on acceptability of bite size teaching delivered remotely through videoconferencing software Girish Rao Received Received
  P-2252 Multicentre evaluation of the pharmacological management of women with bipolar disorder in the perinatal period Marisa Casanova Dias Received Received
  P-2253 Digitalised remote-delivery of AVATr Simulation in Psychiatry: a unique success in COVID-19 pandemic Vimal Mannali Received Received
  P-2255 Diabetes care in an acute psychiatric inpatient setting: a logic model for service delivery Zoe Goff Received Received
  P-2258 How does self-report of anxiety symptoms compare with observer assessments after acquired brain injury? Alex Seelochan Received Received
  P-2260 An audit looking at the impact of poverty on referrals to child and adolescent mental health services Aida Nourbakhsh Received Received
  P-2261 Investigation of physician burnout and the development of symptoms of anxiety and depression: burnout in consultant doctors in Ireland study (BICDIS) Genevieve Crudden Received Received
  P-2262 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on obsessive compulsive disorder: a single case study Anusha Govender Received Received
  P-2263 An audit to review the extent to which appropriate preconception advice is given to women being discharged from mental health wards on psychotropic medication, in line with NICE guidelines Muskett Helen Received Received
  P-2266 Developing resilience and promoting positive mental health strategies in university students Viktor Kacic Received Received
  P-2267 A service evaluation of the use and outcomes of inpatient detoxification for the treatment of alcohol and opioid dependence within a community addictions service Harry Griffin Received Received
  P-2268 Psychological morbidity and associated factors among perinatal patients referred for psychiatry assessments at a tertiary care centre in Sri Lanka Saumya Madhri Senayake Received Received
  P-2270 Using quality improvement to standardise and enhance the use of the national early warning score (NEWS) in an old age psychiatry inpatient setting Fraser MacNicoll Received Received
  P-2273 Comorbidity of self-harm and disordered eating in young people: evidence from a UK population-based cohort Helen Bould Received Received
  P-2276 Wellbeing Support for Foundation Doctors During COVID-19 in GHNHSFT Abbi Graham Received Received
  P-2277 A UK-wide survey of speciality doctors and associate specialist (SAS) psychiatrists psychotherapy case experience, barriers and benefits to professional development and clinical capabilities Alina Vaida Received Received
  P-2278 Skin Deep? : A scoping literature review of the psychological impact of Acne Vulgaris on patients and the role of the Psychiatrist Stephanie Adeyemi Received Received
  P-2279 Attitudes and decision-making processes of Midwakh smoking among adult males in UAE Hamid Alhaj Received Received
  P-2282 PLAN standards and writing to patients: Quality Improvement by Audit Fergus Brown Received Received
  P-2283 An innovative CASC training redesign - experience of virtual mock CASC exam Jessica Foster Received Received
  P-2285 Comfortable, safe and valued: an analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on Hertfordshires Community Perinatal Team Stephanie Adeyemi Received Received
  P-2286 Growing pains: a scoping literature review of how perinatal psychiatry was impacted by COVID-19 Stephanie Adeyemi Received Received
  P-2287 Demystifying the pathway of assessment and treatment for bipolar disorder utilising co-production and algorithms to personalise the approach Jessica Nicholls-Mindlin Received Received
  P-2288 An audit of Individual Care Plan (ICP) in Dublin North City and County (DNCC) child and adolescent mental health service (CAMHS) Uchechukwu Egbuta Received Received
  P-2289 Non-attendance at psychiatric outpatient clinics: comparison of clinical, risk and demographic factors between attenders and non-attenders Mahum Kiani Received Received
  P-2291 Revisiting vitamin D status and supplementation for inpatients with intellectual and developmental disability in the north of England, UK Vlad Ciausu Received Received
  P-2292 Survey of remote consultations in psychiatry during the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak Nusra Khodabux Received Received
  P-2293 Reducing medication errors in the Southwark home treatment team a quality improvement project Simon Ruffell Received Received
  P-2294 Physical health of patients under EIP - a service evaluation Anu Priya Received Received
  P-2296 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Remote Working: Focus Groups with Clinicians Daniel Meek Received Received
  P-2297 Can parent-infant observation predict later childhood psychopathology: a systematic review Elena McAndie Received Received
  P-2298 TMS-EEG indexes abnormal GABAergic signalling in patients with schizophrenia Meng di Hou Received Received
  P-2299 Mixed-methods service evaluation of a multidisciplinary inpatient programme for functional neurological disorder and non-epileptic attack disorder Peter Denno Received Received
  P-2301 Quality Improvement Project: Implementing a Clerking Proforma Emma Perkins Received Received
  P-2302 On-call medical seclusion reviews: are we meeting MHA code of practice (COP) requirements? Oliver Turner Received Received
  P-2304 Transition from Methylphenidate to Atomoxetine: reasons for switching and clinical outcome Fabrizia Cassar Received Received
  P-2305 High-Dose Antipsychotic Prescribing in Inpatient Psychiatric Settings: Changes during Covid-19 Hamza Usman Received Received
  P-2310 Mindfulness based cognitive therapy for recurrent depressive disorder James Mc Loughlin Received Received
  P-2313 Sexual and reproductive health needs assessment & interventions in a female psychiatric intensive care unit ELIZABETH ROSE Received Received
  P-2314 Stepdown from psychiatric intensive care to an acute ward - an analysis Jason Tan Received Received
  P-2315 Post traumatic growth during COVID-19: unity in diversity Meena Afzal Lakha Received Received
  P-2317 Obsessive compulsive disorder: a case of extreme obsessional slowness in an 18-year-old presenting to the national OCD unit Claire Fischer Received Received
  P-2318 Psychological impact and coping strategies of Indian population during COVID-19 pandemic Rohith Khanna Deivasigamani Received Received
  P-2319 Foreseeing Well-being: Developing a Physical Health Strategic Vision across a Large Mental Health Trust Bethany Cole Received Received
  P-2321 Clinical audit investigating the recognition of tardive dyskinesia in an acute inpatient setting Daniel Romeu Received Received
  P-2322 Junior doctors rate online simulation as good enough but not as good as face to face sessions Josh Bachra Received Received
  P-2323 Adjunct pharmacotherapy for psychotherapy Jessica Lochtenberg Received Received
  P-2325 Antipsychotic prescribing in dementia James Mc Loughlin Received Received
  P-2326 Priority clinic access or outreach to provide Sexual and Reproductive healthcare for people with mental illness? Elizabeth Rose Received Received
  P-2327 Methylation of the glucocorticoid receptor gene NR3C1: a summary for clinicians working with children and families Victoria Brown Received Received
  P-2329 Off-label prescribing of quetiapine in HMP Elmley, a Category B remand prison: a re-audit Nosa Igbinomwanhia Received Received
  P-2330 Balint style case-based discussion group for medical students in Bassetlaw Hospital Anu Priya Received Received
  P-2331 Neurodiversity in the teaching of the mental state examination: a pilot study of interactive mind-mapping seminars for the new ScotGem (Scottish graduate-entry medicine) students during the COVID-19 pandemic Kathleen Breslin Received Received
  P-2332 Effectiveness of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): a preliminary meta-analysis Kabir Garg Received Received
  P-2335 Remotely connected: patient and clinician video care experiences in secondary mental health services during COVID-19, including future preferences Lamiya Samad Received Received
  P-2336 A survey of Irish psychiatric trainees attitudes to balint groups Sudha Jain Received Received
  P-2337 Wheres the emergency? Improving emergency psychiatry experience for core trainees in Bath and North East Somerset (BaNES) and Gloucestershire Health and Care (GHC) localities Tom Nutting Received Received
  P-2342 Does food responsiveness change in people with first episode psychosis (FEP) over a period of 3 months after commencing antipsychotics? Preliminary results Adrian Heald Received Received
  P-2343 A Decade of Community-Based Participatory Research: from a Tentative Start to a Fruitful Approach in the Field of Mental Health: A Scoping Review Aoife Janmohamed Received Received
  P-2344 Treatment with the direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) Apixaban and Rivaroxaban associated with significant worsening of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) kim porter Received Received
  P-2346 Prevalence of psychological stress and adopted coping strategies among healthcare workers in King Saud Medical City (KSMC) Mohammed Binnwejim Received Received
  P-2347 Beth: the development of a digital personalised health record and patient portal for use in clinical practice George Gillett Received Received
  P-2349 Course and outcome of comorbid mood disorders in children and adolescents with intellectual disability IDD ARUL JAYENDRA PRADEEP VELUSAMY Received Received
  P-2353 Bridging the gap MTI experience to an excellent MTI experience An experiential, theme driven, survey Arun Enara Received Received
  P-2355 Listening to voices: understanding and self-management of auditory verbal hallucinations in young adults Peter Denno Received Received
  P-2360 A clinical inventory of moderators of tic severity in Tourettes Syndrome Himanshu Tyagi Received Received
  P-2363 Investigating sleep quality on an inpatient psychiatry ward Rhianne Thomas Received Received
  P-2365 Effects of tailored quality improvement programme for effective medication management in high dependency in-patient psychiatry rehabilitation unit Hina Tahseen Received Received
  P-2366 Impact of COVID 19 on referrals for physical and mental health care Petros Lekkos Received Received
  P-2367 A description of the use of zuclopenthixol decanoate long-acting injection in a large mental health trust Shay-Anne Pantall Received Received
  P-2371 Evaluation of an Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Assessment & Treatment Service Chan Nyein Received Received
  P-2373 We can check serum lithium levels less often without compromising patient safety: evidence from a multi-centre study Adrian Heald Received Received
  P-2376 A physicians compliance in identifying patients as drivers and providing advice on the Driver & Vehicle Licencing Agency (DVLA) guidelines Christiana Elisha-aboh Received Received
  P-2377 Comparison between the efficiency of pharmacotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy in reducing captagon (fenethylline) dependence and relapse prevention Mohammed Binnwejim Received Received
  P-2378 A quality improvement project to improve the physical health of people with intellectual disability & severe mental illness in a forensic inpatient ward Rupal Dave Received Received
  P-2386 Are medications with anti-cholinergic properties prescribed and reviewed appropriately on a male older persons organic ward? Ben Greenhalgh Received Received
  P-2392 Audit on the documentation of ethnicity within CAMHS Charlotte Scott Received Received
Tel.: +34 91 736 2385
Contact: Katarina Gluic
Hours: Mon-Thu 8:30-17:00 Fri 8:30-15:00
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