Discussion forum - 63rd IAVS Symposium
    Topic - Vegetation inventory and mapping

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Poster: 12
Visits: 178
Title: Introducing the Global Vegetation Project: a crowd-sourced platform for open-access vegetation photos
Authors: Daniel Laughlin ,

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Kete Ramaker
Thread initiator
Reg: 9/26/2016 10:56:00 AM

Comment# 1

I invite colleagues to open debate around the issues raised in my presentation, both those relating to research and to practice.

Comment added on 9/14/2021 10:25:00 AM 

Soizig Le Stradic

Reg: 9/11/2021 2:05:00 PM

Comment# 2

Hello, thanks for the initiative and for the presentation. I already spent hours preparing lectures and loking for good pictures, so really helpful iniciative. I just have a logistic questions: did you expect that the associated species list refer to the overall site where the picture was taken or only species visible on the pictures? Thanks

Comment added on 9/22/2021 12:17:00 PM 
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Most viewed poster for this congress
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Visits: 528
Title: Growth response of plantation species (Cedrela odorata and Terminalia superba) to variability in site and climatic conditions
Authors: David Akowuah , Reginald T. GuurohMark Appiah2

Poster most viewed in this topic
Poster: 12
Visits: 178
Title: Introducing the Global Vegetation Project: a crowd-sourced platform for open-access vegetation photos
Authors: Daniel Laughlin ,


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