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WFH 2016 World Congress


24-28 July 2016 Orlando
Discussion forum - WFH 2016 World Congress
    Topic - Sports and Bleeding Disorders

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 Thread / Poster  Author  Replies  Last reply
Impact of mild to severe hemophilia on engagement in recreational activities by US adult men and women with hemophilia B: the bridging hemophilia B experiences results and opportunities into solutions (B-HERO-S) study  Kim Baumann 1      7/7/2016 5:59:00 PM  
Influence of activity on ankle joint presentation  Ann McCarthy 1      7/7/2016 11:05:00 AM  
Pharmacokinetic: APTT; FVIII, FIX level. Is the Prophylaxis effective?  Jussara Almeida 1      7/7/2016 3:33:00 AM  
The Sports effect on the motor development of hemophiliacs  Jussara Almeida 1      7/7/2016 3:29:00 AM  
Understanding the Impact of Hemophilia B on Activity of US Children with Hemophilia (CWH) from their Caregivers: The Bridging Hemophilia Experiences Results and Opportunities into Solutions (B-HERO-S Study)  Grace Hernandez 1      7/6/2016 9:30:00 PM  
Physical Activity in adult patient with haemophilic arthropathy monitored by Fitbit Charge HR  Juan José 1      7/6/2016 9:23:00 AM  
Applying individualized care to safe physical activity recommendations: an evidence-based resource for persons with bleeding disorders.  Erin McCabe 1      7/5/2016 4:31:00 PM  
New York City Marathon: a challenge for hemophilic patient  Luigi Solimeno 1      6/10/2016 12:16:00 PM  

Most viewed poster for this congress
Poster: 13
Visits: 590
Title: Algorithmic evidence-based phenotype screening and collaborative approach to attacking symptoms of nonadherence in patients with bleeding disorders
Authors: Jay Bryant-Wimp , Jay Bryant-Wimp, RPh
Centre: Integrite Solutions

Poster most viewed in this topic
Poster: 180
Visits: 22
Title: Pharmacokinetic: APTT; FVIII, FIX level. Is the Prophylaxis effective?
Authors: Jussara Almeida , Almeida J; Silva A; Ofugi A; Rabelo A; Araújo B; Machado J; Beltrame L; Sayago M; Monsores N; Marques R.
Centre: University of Brasília, Association of Volunteeers, Reseachers and Carriers Coagulopaties


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