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WFH 2016 World Congress


24-28 July 2016 Orlando
Discussion forum - WFH 2016 World Congress
    Topic - Hemophilia Programs and Organizations

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 Thread / Poster  Author  Replies  Last reply
Assessing the Programming Needs of Patients of the Hemophilia Center at Oregon Health & Science University (HC) and the Hemophilia Foundation of Oregon (HFO)  Mina Nguyen-Driver 1      7/7/2016 10:54:00 PM  
Collaboration between National Member Organisation (NMO), French Hemophilia Society (AFH Comity Midi-Pyrénées) and Belgian Hemophilia Society (AHVH) during diving courses  Patrick Finders-Binje 1      7/7/2016 10:26:00 PM  
Be-Coag, the hemophilia card with a basic medical file on the net  Patrick Finders-Binje 1      7/7/2016 9:27:00 PM  
Expanding the knowledge base: a collaboration between Saskatoon and Vancouver bleeding disorder teams  Claude Bartholomew 1      7/7/2016 9:12:00 PM  
Medical care provided by a private clinic with the highest number of hemophilia patients in the region  Masue Kajiwara 1      7/7/2016 5:14:00 PM  
Causes and consequences in hospitalizations of patients with hemophilia in a hemophilia treatment center in Korea.  Jung Woo Han 1      7/7/2016 5:00:00 PM  
Twining program Vietnam Hemophilia Association Irish Hemophilia Society  Mai Nguyen 1      7/7/2016 10:14:00 AM  
Hemophilia care in National Institute of Hematology and Blood transfusion, Hanoi, Vietnam  Mai Nguyen 1      7/7/2016 10:09:00 AM  
Hemophilia : A single-centre experience of 12 years.  Hande Kizilocak 1      7/6/2016 10:12:00 AM  
Impact of Twinning between HTCs: Incremental Gain with Longitudinal Experience  Jonathan Kuriakose 1      7/5/2016 11:07:00 PM  
The impact of the World Federation of Haemophilia humanitarian aid program in conducting Circumcision for Haemophilia patients in Kenya.  INJERE AFUDE 1      7/5/2016 9:17:00 PM  
Organisational strategy to support members through 7 Key Life Stages  Liz Carroll 1      7/4/2016 3:44:00 PM  
Expectations and Concerns towards the Up-Coming New Long-Acting Products - Results of a Survey among Haemophilia Patients in Switzerland  Jose Maria Alamo Marzo 1      7/4/2016 1:19:00 PM  
Regional hemophilia project in Turkey  Basak Koc 1      7/2/2016 11:50:00 PM  
The Catalan Association of Hemophilia celebrates 40 years  Otilia Ragull 1      6/30/2016 3:40:00 PM  
Up-to-date informative sessions: an opportunity of empowerment  Otilia Ragull 1      6/30/2016 3:38:00 PM  
A new challenge: twinning between the Catalan Association of Hemophilia (ACH) and the Cuban Society of Hemophilia (SCH)  Ana Fernández 1      6/30/2016 3:35:00 PM  
Support network for Barcelona family carers: a way of embracing efforts working together between entities  Patricia Cabre 1      6/30/2016 3:31:00 PM  
Bleeding Disorder Patient Perspectives on Information and Services Needs in a Remote US Pacific Island  Tiffany Lin 1      6/20/2016 6:44:00 AM  

Most viewed poster for this congress
Poster: 13
Visits: 590
Title: Algorithmic evidence-based phenotype screening and collaborative approach to attacking symptoms of nonadherence in patients with bleeding disorders
Authors: Jay Bryant-Wimp , Jay Bryant-Wimp, RPh
Centre: Integrite Solutions

Poster most viewed in this topic
Poster: 67
Visits: 76
Title: Support network for Barcelona family carers: a way of embracing efforts working together between entities
Authors: Patricia Cabre , Patricia Cabré
Centre: Catalan Association of Hemophilia


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