 |  | Thomas Connor |
Thread initiator Subspeciality Reg: 5/9/2012 9:42:00 PM
Comment# 1
I invite healthcare professionals to open debate around the issues raised in my poster, both those relating to research and to clinical practice.
Comment added on 5/9/2012 9:42:00 PM
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 |  | SIDY SECK |
Subspeciality Reg: 5/2/2012 2:32:00 PM
Comment# 2
Hi dear Thomas,
Do you have any more details about possible factors leading to so high frequency of ckd in this particular group? Did you look for environmental determinants?
Comment added on 11/29/2012 10:44:00 PM
Recommended by 1 users |
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 |  | Thomas Connor |
Thread initiator Subspeciality Reg: 5/9/2012 9:42:00 PM
Comment# 3
Hi Sidy,
Thank you for your comment. I agree that it would be very interesting to know more about the determinants of CKD in this population that might be driving the high rate of ESRD. Our goal was first of all to describe the levels of ESRD and primary renal diagnosis in the Turkish Cypriot population. Next we are trying to set up a registry to get more information about CKD.
It is very interesting to me that rates of ESRD are high around the Mediterranean, and especially in the east. Maybe there are important environmental factors that drive this, and I would be grateful to you for any suggestions about what we might look at.
Best wishes,
Comment added on 12/11/2012 12:15:00 PM
Recommended by 1 users |
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 |  | Bahaa El-Din Zayed |
Subspeciality Reg: 5/7/2012 11:47:00 AM
Comment# 4
what are spescific in your group of patients , and what are the coomonest age of devloping ESRD in your po[pulation
Comment added on 12/14/2012 9:38:00 PM
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 |  | Thomas Connor |
Thread initiator Subspeciality Reg: 5/9/2012 9:42:00 PM
Comment# 5
Hi Bahaa,
Thank you for your enquiry. I"m not sure I understand the first part of your question. Regarding the age of onset of ESRD, the median age in males was 63 years and in females, 64 years.
Comment added on 12/18/2012 6:17:00 PM
Quoting Bahaa El-Din Zayed
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